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15041 저널기사 Visual light from the eclipsing supersoft X-ray source CAL 87 미리보기
Schandl, S Springer-Verlag 1997
15042 저널기사 Visual Loss in Childhood/ 미리보기
Liu, Grant T Survey of Ophthalmology, Inc.] 2001
15043 저널기사 Visual Loss in Pregnancy/ 미리보기
Park, Anna J Survey of Ophthalmology, Inc.] 2000
15044 저널기사 Visual loss in uveitis of childhood/ 미리보기
de Boer, J British Medical Association 2003
15045 저널기사 Visually Discernible Qualities of Components in The Built Environment, G.J. Sorte. The Swedish Council for Building Research, London (1982), 141 pp. Skr. 40. (Swedish with an English summary). 미리보기
Tommy Gärling Elsevier
15046 저널기사 Visually guided irrigation for patients with symptomatic internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: A preliminary report/ 미리보기
Kondoh, T Mosby-Year Book, Inc 2003
15047 저널기사 Visually guided temporomandibular joint irrigation in patients with chronic closed lock: Clinical outcome and its relationship to intra-articular morphologic changes/ 미리보기
Hamada, Y Mosby-Year Book, Inc 2003
15048 저널기사 Visual mapping by high resolution FISH 미리보기
Heiskanen, M Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
15049 저널기사 Visual mapping by high resolution FISH 미리보기
Heiskanen, M Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
15050 저널기사 Visual Memory for Novel Shapes: Implicit Coding Without Attention 미리보기
DeSchepper, B American Psychological Association 1980
15051 저널기사 Visual modes of governmentality: Traffic lights in a housing association 미리보기
Manochin, M.; Brignall, S.; Lowe, A.; Howell, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2011
15052 저널기사 Visual neurobiology: Colouring the cortex 미리보기
Gegenfurtner, K. R Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
15053 저널기사 Visual neurones : 미리보기
15054 저널기사 Visual object recognition in early Alzheimer's disease: deficits in semantic processing/ 미리보기
Laatu, S Munksgaard 1900
15055 저널기사 VISUAL OPTICS / 미리보기
Hodgkinson, A 1989
Hodgkinson, A 1994
15057 저널기사 Visual orbit for the low-mass binary Gliese 22 AC from speckle interferometry/ 미리보기
Woitas, J Springer-Verlag 2003
15058 저널기사 Visual outcome after high volume cataract surgery in Pakistan/ 미리보기
Malik, A. R British Medical Association 2003
15059 저널기사 Visual outcomes and amblyogenic risk factors in craniosynostotic syndromes: a review of 141 cases/ 미리보기
Khan, S. H British Medical Association 2003
15060 저널기사 Visual P3 findings in Mission Indian youth: relationship to family history of alcohol dependence and behavioral problems/ 미리보기
Ehlers, Cindy L Elsevier 2001
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