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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
15061 저널기사 Visual perception 미리보기
Piggins Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
15062 저널기사 Visual perception 미리보기
Rybicki Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
15063 저널기사 Visual Perception of Egocentric Distance as Assessed by Triangulation 미리보기
Fukusima, S. S American Psychological Association 1980
15064 저널기사 Visual Perception of Lifted Weight From Kinematic and Static (Photographic) Displays 미리보기
Stavros Valenti, S American Psychological Association 1980
15065 저널기사 Visual Perception of Stochastic Resonance 미리보기
Simonotto, E American Physical Society 1980
15066 저널기사 Visual perception: Predicting the present 미리보기
Cavanagh, P Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
15067 저널기사 Visual perception Shoot'em up 미리보기
15068 저널기사 Visual perception theories and communicating construction industry concepts 미리보기
Moore, D. R. unknown 2001
15069 저널기사 Visual perception: Where are the things we see? 미리보기
Miller, J. M Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
15070 저널기사 Visual performance after interface haemorrhage during laser in situ keratomileusis/ 미리보기
Vajpayee, R. B British Medical Association 2003
15071 저널기사 Visual pigment 미리보기
Hara Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
15072 저널기사 Visual pigment 미리보기
Ostapenko Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
15073 저널기사 Visual Pigment Gene Structure and the Severity of Color Vision Defects 미리보기
Neitz, J American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
15074 저널기사 Visual pigments : 미리보기
HIRTENSTEIN Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
15075 저널기사 Visual preferences of elderly public housing residents: Residential street scenes 미리보기
Jack L. Nasar Elsevier
15076 저널기사 Visual Processing and Need for Cognition Can Enhance Event-Sponsorship Outcomes: How Sporting Event Sponsorships Benefit From the Way Attendees Process Them 미리보기
Angeline G. Close ; Russell Lacey ; T. Bettina Cornwell World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2015
15077 저널기사 Visual processing: Files go with the flow 미리보기
Srinivasan, M. V Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
15078 저널기사 Visual product aesthetics: A hierarchical analysis of its trait and value antecedents and its behavioral consequences 미리보기
Mowen, J. C.; Fang, X.; Scott, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
15079 저널기사 Visual projection map specified by topographic expression of transcription factors in the retina 미리보기
Yuasa, J Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
15080 저널기사 Visual Properties and Affective Appraisals in Residential Areas After Dark 미리보기
Hanyu, K. ACADEMIC PR 1997
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