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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
Hanyu, K. ACADEMIC PR 2000
15082 저널기사 Visual psychophysics: Stimulating brain but not mind 미리보기
Koch, C Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
15083 저널기사 Visual Quality and Attentional Capture: A Challenge to the Special Role of Abrupt Onsets 미리보기
Gibson, B. S American Psychological Association 1980
15084 저널기사 Visual Ratings of the Vertical Jump are Weakly Correlated with Perceptual Style 미리보기
Knudson, D 2000
15085 저널기사 Visual representation of knowledge networks: A social network analysis of hospitality research domain 미리보기
Hu, C.; Racherla, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
15086 저널기사 Visual representations and knowledge-intensive work: The case of architect work 미리보기
Styhre, A.; Gluch, P. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
15087 저널기사 Visual representations of gender and computing in consumer and professional magazines 미리보기
Cox, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
15088 저널기사 Visual Research: Current Bias and Future Direction 미리보기
Heisley, D. D. Association for Consumer Research 2001
15089 저널기사 Visual restriction in ball-catching : 미리보기
Lamb, K.L 1988
15090 저널기사 Visual Rhetoric in New Product Design 미리보기
Durgee, J. F. Association for Consumer Research 2003
15091 저널기사 Visual Rulemaking 미리보기
Porter, Elizabeth G.; Watts, Kathryn A. New York University School of Law 2016
15092 저널기사 Visuals Are Information: How Meaning is Transferred to Consumers through Executional Elements in Advertising 미리보기
Pracejus, J. W. Association for Consumer Research 2003
15093 저널기사 Visual screening of microspore-derived transgenic barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with green-fluorescent protein/ 미리보기
Carlson, A R Springer International 2001
15094 저널기사 Visual Search as a Function of Type of Prior Experience With Target and Distractor 미리보기
Lubow, R. E American Psychological Association 1980
15095 저널기사 Visual Search for Conjunctions of Motion and Form: Display Density and Asymmetry Reversal 미리보기
Mueller, H. J American Psychological Association 1980
15096 저널기사 Visual Search for Natural Grains in Pigeons (Columba livia): Search Images and Selective Attention 미리보기
Langley, C. M American Psychological Association 1996
15097 저널기사 Visual Search for Size Is Influenced by a Background Texture Gradient 미리보기
Aks, D. J American Psychological Association 1980
15098 저널기사 Visual Selective Attention in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment 미리보기
McLaughlin, P. M.; Anderson, N. D.; Rich, J. B.; Chertkow, H.; Murtha, S. J. Gerontological Society of America 2014
15099 저널기사 Visual Short-Term Memory in the First Year of Life: Capacity and Recency Effects/ 미리보기
Rose, Susan A 2001
15100 저널기사 Visual Short-Term Memory Is Influenced by Haptic Perception/ 미리보기
Kerzel, Dirk 2001
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