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15261 저널기사 Vitamin D derivatives inhibit the mitogenic effects of IGF-I on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells 미리보기
Xie, S. P Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1997
15262 저널기사 Vitamin D Inhibits G~1 to S Progression in LNCaP Prostate Cancer Cells through p27^K^i^p^1 Stabilization and Cdk2 Mislocalization to the Cytoplasm/ 미리보기
Yang, E. S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
15263 저널기사 Vitamin D Metabolism Is Altered in Asian Indians in the Southern United States: A Clinical Research Center Study 미리보기
Awumey, E. M. K Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
15264 저널기사 Vitamin D Receptor Alleles b, a, and T: Risk Factors for Sporadic Primary Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) but Not HPT of Uremia or MEN 1 미리보기
Carling, T Academic Press 1980
15265 저널기사 Vitamin D Receptor Binding to DNA Is Altered without the Change in Its Expression in Human Renal Clear Cell Cancer/ 미리보기
Madej, A S. Karger 2003
15266 저널기사 Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism Detected by Digestion with Apa I Influences the Parathyroid Response to Extracellular Calcium in Japanese Chronic Dialysis Patients/ 미리보기
Yokoyama, K S. Karger 2001
15267 저널기사 Vitamin D Receptor: No Evidence for Allele-Specific mRNA Stability in Cells Which Are Heterozygous for the Taq I Restriction Enzyme Polymorphism 미리보기
Verbeek, W Academic Press 1980
15268 저널기사 Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms Correlate to Parathyroid Cell Function in Primary Hyperparathyroidism 미리보기
Carling, T Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
15269 저널기사 Vitamin D receptors repress basal transcription and exert dominant negative activity on triiodothyronine-mediated transcriptional activity 미리보기
Yen, P. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
15270 저널기사 Vitamin D state of Asinas living in pakistan 미리보기
RASHID, A British Medical Association 1983
15271 저널기사 Vitamin D Studies, 1933-1934 / 미리보기
McBeath, E. C 1934
15272 저널기사 Vitamin D supplementation and bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women 미리보기
Cooper, L Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc 2003
15273 저널기사 VITAMIN E ACETATE further studies prompted by lung lesions 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
15274 저널기사 Vitamin E and C supplementation reduces endometriosis related pelvic pain/ 미리보기
Kavtaradze, N American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
15275 저널기사 Vitamin E and Oxidative Stability of Soya Bean Oil Prepared with Beans at Various Moisture Contents Roasted in a Microwave Oven 미리보기
Yoshida, H Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
15276 저널기사 Vitamin E and tannic acid improve DNA damage in rats submitted chronic ethanol administration 미리보기
Jordao, A. A.; Sanchez, S. C.; Portari, G. V.; Domenici, F. A.; Vannucchi, H. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
15277 저널기사 Vitamin E attenuates myocardial oxidative stress induced by DHEA in rested and exercised rats 미리보기
Goldfarb, A. H American Physiological Society 1980
15278 저널기사 Vitamin E biopotency: Comparison of various 'natural-derived' and chemically synthesized �tocopherols 미리보기
Scherf, H Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
15279 저널기사 Vitamin E Content of Fats and Oils - Nutritional Implications 미리보기
Eitenmiller, R. R Food technology, etc.] 1997
15280 저널기사 Vitamin E Deficiency and Immune Dysfunction in Retrovirus-Infected C57BL/6 Mice Are Prevented by T-Cell Receptor Peptide Treatment 미리보기
Liang, B Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
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