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15821 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Detailed analysis of a sample of Li-rich giants/ 미리보기
Castilho, B V Springer-Verlag 2000
15822 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Detection of high-frequency optical oscillations on the flare star EV Lacertae/ 미리보기
Zhilyaev, B E Springer-Verlag 2000
15823 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Eclipse mapping of the cataclysmic variable DW Ursae Majoris/ 미리보기
Bir� I B Springer-Verlag 2000
15824 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Erratum: The visual double stars observed by the Hipparcos satellite/ 미리보기
Dommanget, J Springer-Verlag 2000
15825 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - IRAS 12326-6245: Luminous very young stellar objects with a massive molecular outflow/ 미리보기
Henning, Th Springer-Verlag 2000
15826 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Long-term activity of the eclipsing binary AB Andromedae/ 미리보기
Djurasevic, G Springer-Verlag 2000
15827 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Low frequency radio pulses from gamma-ray bursts?/ 미리보기
Usov, V V Springer-Verlag 2000
15828 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Massive and luminous YSO IRAS 05361+3539 and its environment. A study of star formation in the parent cloud - I/ 미리보기
Chakraborty, A Springer-Verlag 2000
15829 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Models of scattered light in UXORs/ 미리보기
Natta, A Springer-Verlag 2000
15830 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - On the origin of the difference between the runaway velocities of the OB-supergiant X-ray binaries and the Be/X-ray binaries/ 미리보기
Heuvel, E P J van den Springer-Verlag 2000
15831 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Simulations of polarization from accretion disks/ 미리보기
Schultz, J Springer-Verlag 2000
15832 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - The distribution of calcium on the surface of e Ursae Majoris: An abundance distribution Doppler image/ 미리보기
Holmgren, D E Springer-Verlag 2000
15833 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - The Fe II excitation mechanism in KQ Puppis/ 미리보기
Redfors, A Springer-Verlag 2000
15834 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - The protostellar system HH108MMS/ 미리보기
Siebenmorgen, R Springer-Verlag 2000
15835 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Turbulent outflows from (WC)-type nuclei of planetary nebulae. I. BD +30(degree) 3639 and other (WC 9-10) stars/ 미리보기
Grosdidier, Y Springer-Verlag 2000
15836 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Formation, structure and evolution of stars - Variations of the Ap star HDE 318107/ 미리보기
Manfroid, J Springer-Verlag 2000
15837 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Galactic structure and dynamics - Erratum: The Galactic disk: Study of four low latitude Galactic fields/ 미리보기
Vallenari, A Springer-Verlag 2000
15838 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Assisted stellar suicide: The wind-driven evolution of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis/ 미리보기
Knigge, Ch Springer-Verlag 2000
15839 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Comments on the expected isotropic distribution curves in galaxy orientation studies/ 미리보기
Aryal, B Springer-Verlag 2000
15840 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Entropy & equation of state (EOS) for hot bare strange stars/ 미리보기
Ray, S Springer-Verlag 2000
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