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15841 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Gamma-ray sources as relics of recent supernovae in the nearby Gould Belt/ 미리보기
Grenier, I A Springer-Verlag 2000
15842 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - On the hypothesis of an advection-dominated flow in the core of NGC 1052: New constraints from a BeppoSAX observation/ 미리보기
Guainazzi, M Springer-Verlag 2000
15843 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Properties and nature of Be stars. XX. Binary nature and orbital elements of g Cas/ 미리보기
Harmanec, P Springer-Verlag 2000
15844 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Search for discrete refractive scattering events/ 미리보기
Ramachandran, R Springer-Verlag 2000
15845 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Letters to the Editor - Successful spectral synthesis of Zeeman-split molecular bands in sunspot spectra/ 미리보기
Berdyugina, S V Springer-Verlag 2000
15846 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Physical and chemical processes - Erratum: Ab initio calculation of the transfer and multipole rates of the Na ground state hyperfine levels perturbed by atomic hydrogen/ 미리보기
Kerkeni, B Springer-Verlag 2000
15847 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Physical and chemical processes - The Friedmann-Lema�tre models in perspective. Embeddings of the Friedmann-Lema�tre models in flat 5-dimensional space/ 미리보기
Lachi�ze-Rey, M Springer-Verlag 2000
15848 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Physical and chemical processes - Time dependent cosmic-ray shock acceleration with self-consistent injection/ 미리보기
Gieseler, U D J Springer-Verlag 2000
15849 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Stellar atmospheres - Serendipitous discovery of an irregular and a semi-regular type variable in the field of BY Draconis/ 미리보기
Messina, S Springer-Verlag 2000
15850 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - Stellar clusters and associations - Erratum: Hot HB stars in globular custers - Physical parameters and consequences for theory. V. Radiative levitation versus helium mixing/ 미리보기
Moehler, S Springer-Verlag 2000
15851 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The solar system - The transfer of comets from near-parabolic to short-period orbits: Map approach/ 미리보기
Zhou, J-L Springer-Verlag 2000
15852 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - An improved equation of state under solar interior conditions/ 미리보기
Bi, S L Springer-Verlag 2000
15853 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Emergence of a U-loop - Sub-photospheric link between solar active regions/ 미리보기
Driel-Gesztelyi, L van Springer-Verlag 2000
15854 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Erratum: Multi-component structure of solar and stellar transition regions/ 미리보기
Peter, H Springer-Verlag 2000
15855 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Erratum: On the steady state of nonlinear quasiresonant Alfv�n oscillations in one-dimensional magnetic cavity/ 미리보기
Nocera, L Springer-Verlag 2000
15856 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - FIP effect measurements in the off-limb corona observed by SUMER on SOHO/ 미리보기
Mohan, A Springer-Verlag 2000
15857 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Location of the source of soft X-ray non-thermal line broadenings in a solar flare/ 미리보기
Ranns, N D R Springer-Verlag 2000
15858 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Microwave M burst on May 3 1999/ 미리보기
Ning, Z Springer-Verlag 2000
15859 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Numerical analyses of self-generated magnetic fields with very small scale in solar corona/ 미리보기
Liu, S Q Springer-Verlag 2000
15860 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - (RN) Shear turbulence beneath the solar tachocline/ 미리보기
Schatzman, E Springer-Verlag 2000
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