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15861 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Sensitivity of the GOLF signal to combined solar velocity and intensity variations/ 미리보기
Ulrich, R K Springer-Verlag 2000
15862 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Simulation of resonance scattering helioseismometer signals from spatially resolved images: Application to the GOLF instrument on SOHO/ 미리보기
Ulrich, R K Springer-Verlag 2000
15863 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Small-scale flow field in a sunspot penumbra/ 미리보기
Schmidt, W Springer-Verlag 2000
15864 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Special fine structures of solar radio bursts on April 15 1998/ 미리보기
Ning, Z Springer-Verlag 2000
15865 저널기사 Vol. 364 No. 2 - The Sun - Type I radio bursts and the minimum between sunspot cycles 22 & 23/ 미리보기
Ramesh, R Springer-Verlag 2000
15866 저널기사 Vol.69 2016年「パテント」目録 No.1~15 미리보기
unknown 日本辨理士會 2016
15867 저널기사 Vol.70 2017年「パテント」目録 No.1~13 미리보기
unknown 日本辨理士會 2017
15868 저널기사 Vol.71 2018年「パテント」目録 1月号~12月号 미리보기
unknown 日本辨理士會 2018
15869 저널기사 Vol.72 2019年「パテント」目録 1月号~12月号 미리보기
unknown 日本辨理士會 2019
15870 저널기사 Vol.74 2021年「パテント」目録 1月号~12月号 미리보기
日本辨理士會 2021
15871 저널기사 Vol.75 2022年「パテント」目録 1月号~12月号 미리보기
日本辨理士會 2022
15872 저널기사 Volání po zdanění bohatých 미리보기
Marek Loužek ; Hana Lipovská Vysoka skola ekonomicka 2017
15873 저널기사 Volatile and persistent real exchange rates with or without sticky prices 미리보기
Moore, M. J.; Roche, M. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
15874 저널기사 Volatile and semi-volatile organochlorine compounds in tap and riverine waters in the area of influence of a chlorinated organic solvent factory 미리보기
Amaral, O. C Pergamon Press 1980
15875 저널기사 Volatile Components in Aqueous Essence and Fresh Fruit of Cucumis melo cv. Athena (Muskmelon) by GC-MS and GC-O/ 미리보기
Jordan, M J American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
15876 저널기사 Volatile components obtained from the leaves of Jasonia glutinosa 미리보기
Guillen, M. D Applied Science Publishers 1996
15877 저널기사 Volatile Components of Aqueous Liquid Smokes from Vitis vinifera L Shoots and Fagus sylvatica L Wood 미리보기
Guillen, M. D Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
15878 저널기사 Volatile Components of Calamondin Peel Oil 미리보기
Moshonas, M. G American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
15879 저널기사 Volatile components of ripe fruits of Morinda citrifolia and their effects on Drosophila 미리보기
Farine, J.-P Pergamon Press 1996
15880 저널기사 Volatile Components of the Cyanobacterium Oscillatoria perornata (Skuja)/ 미리보기
Tellez, M R American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
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