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15921 저널기사 Volatile oil contents of ashe and redberry juniper and its relationship to preference by Angora and Spanish goats 미리보기
Riddle, R. R Society for Range Management, etc.] 1996
15922 저널기사 Volatile organic components migrating from plastic pipes (HDPE, PEX and PVC) into drinking water/ 미리보기
Skjevrak, I Pergamon Press 2003
15923 저널기사 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions During Cold-Starts of Motorcycles/ 미리보기
Wang, H.-C Springer-Verlag 2003
15924 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds emitted from beech leaves 미리보기
Tollsten, L Pergamon Press 1996
15925 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds in the air of Izmir, Turkey/ 미리보기
Muezzinoglu, Aysen Pergamon 2001
15926 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds in the surface waters of a British estuary. Part 1. Occurrence, distribution and variation 미리보기
Bianchi, A. P Pergamon Press 1980
15927 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds in the surface waters of a British estuary. Part 2. Fate processes 미리보기
Bianchi, A. P Pergamon Press 1980
15928 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds in urban rivers and their estuaries in Osaka,Japan 미리보기
Yamamoto, K Elsevier Applied Science Publishers 1980
15929 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds treatment - Endogenous respiration rate in vapour phase biological reactors (VPBRs) during volatile organic compound (VOC) degradation/ 미리보기
Villaverde, S Pergamon Press 2000
15930 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds treatment - Treatment of methanol in a dry biofilm reactor using tubular carrier/ 미리보기
Thalasso, F Pergamon Press 2000
15931 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds treatment - Two-stage biofiltration of sulfides and VOCs from wastewater treatment plants/ 미리보기
Devinny, J S Pergamon Press 2000
15932 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds up to C~2~0 emitted from motor vehicles; measurement methods 미리보기
Zielinska, B Pergamon 1996
15933 저널기사 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from 40 Mediterranean plant species: - VOC speciation and extrapolation to habitat scale/ 미리보기
Owen, Susan Margaret Pergamon 2001
15934 저널기사 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Transport through Compacted Clay/ 미리보기
Kim, Jae Y American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
15935 저널기사 Volatile organic emissions - Polyurethane foam based biofilter media for toluene removal/ 미리보기
Moe, W M Pergamon Press 2001
15936 저널기사 Volatile organo-halogen trace analysis in beverages by thin-layer headspace enrichment and electron-capture gas-chromatography 미리보기
Polkowska, Z Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 1996
15937 저널기사 Volatile organo-selenium speciation in biological matter by solid phase microextraction-moderate temperature multicapillary gas chromatography with microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry detection/ 미리보기
Dietz, C Elsevier Pub. Co 2004
15938 저널기사 Volatile Policy and Private Information: The Case of Monetary Shocks 미리보기
Jones, L. E. ACADEMIC PR 2001
15939 저널기사 Volatile production in irradiated normal, pale soft exudative (PSE) and dark firm dry (DFD) pork under different packaging and storage conditions/ 미리보기
Ahn, D U Applied Science Publishers 2001
15940 저널기사 Volatile Semiochemicals Released from Undamaged Cotton Leaves: A Systemic Response of Living Plants to Caterpillar Damage 미리보기
Roese, U. S. R American Society of Plant Physiologists 1980
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