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141 저널기사 A vector integer-valued moving average model for high frequency financial count data 미리보기
Quoreshi, A. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
142 저널기사 A Vector Projection Method for Predicting Supersecondary Motifs 미리보기
Sun, Z.-R Plenum Press 1980
143 저널기사 A Vector Space Model as a methodological approach to the Triple Helix dimensionality: A comparative study of Biology and Biomedicine Centres of two European National Research Councils from a Webometric view/ 미리보기
Priego, J. L Elsevier Science Ltd 2003
144 저널기사 A vegetally localized T-box transcription factor in Xenopus eggs specifies mesoderm and endoderm and is essential for embryonic mesoderm formation 미리보기
Horb, M. E Company of Biologists 1980
145 저널기사 A vegetation model for the Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia 미리보기
Monserud, R. A National Research Council of Canada 1996
146 저널기사 A vegetative storage protein homolog is expressed in the growing shoot apex of hybrid poplar 미리보기
Lawrence, S. D Springer-Verlag 1980
147 저널기사 A vehicle routing problem with multi-trips and time windows for circular items 미리보기
Martinez, L.; Amaya, C. A. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
148 저널기사 A vehicle scheduling problem with fixed trips and time limitations 미리보기
Eliiyi, D. T.; Ornek, A.; Karakutuk, S. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
149 저널기사 A Velocity and Length Scale Approach to k-�Modeling 미리보기
Kwon, O American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
150 저널기사 A Velocity Based Approach Including Acceleration to the Finite Element Computation of Viscoplastic Problems 미리보기
Mole, N Wiley [etc.] 1980
151 저널기사 A Velvet Hammer: The Criminalization of Motherhood and the New Maternalism 미리보기
Duggan, Eliza School of Jurisprudence of the University of California 2016
152 저널기사 A vendor managed inventory supply chain with deteriorating raw materials and products 미리보기
Yu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Liang, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
153 저널기사 A Venetian Naval Expedition of 1224 미리보기
Herlihy, David$eEditor Academic Press 1969
154 저널기사 A venture capitalist's tale 미리보기
155 저널기사 A verbal protocol analysis of choice under ambiguity 미리보기
Highhouse, S. ELSEVIER 1994
156 저널기사 A verbal rating scale to measure Japanese consumers' perceptions of product quality 미리보기
Bartikowski, B.; Kamei, K.; Chandon, J. L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
157 저널기사 A Verdict on Aid to the Sahel 미리보기
158 저널기사 A verification of the expected utility calibration theorem 미리보기
Neilson, W. S.; Winter, H. ELSEVIER 2002
159 저널기사 A vernalization protocol for obtaining progenies from regenerated and transgenic tall fescue plants/ 미리보기
Wang, Z. Y P. Parey 2003
160 저널기사 A Versatile Aerobic Oxidation of Organic Compounds Catalyzed by Cobalt(II) Porphyrins 미리보기
Ajay Kumar Mandal Pergamon Press 1980
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