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16041 저널기사 Volatility Is Back 미리보기
Decarlo, Scott Time, inc., etc.] 2014
16042 저널기사 Volatility Leadership Among Index Options 미리보기
Figlewski, Stephen; Frommherz, Anja Institutional Investor, Inc 2017
16043 저널기사 Volatility Lessons 미리보기
Fama, Eugene F.; French, Kenneth R. C F A Institute 2018
16044 저널기사 Volatility linkages across three major equity markets: A financial arbitrage approach 미리보기
Cifarelli, G.; Paladino, G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
16045 저널기사 Volatility Linkages Among Gold Futures in Emerging Markets 미리보기
Baklaci, Hasan F.; Süer, Ömür; Yelkenci, Tezer M.E. Sharpe 2016
16046 저널기사 Volatility linkages and value gains from diversifying with Islamic assets 미리보기
Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2023
16047 저널기사 Volatility linkages of the equity, bond and money markets: an implied volatility approach 미리보기
Wang, K. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
16048 저널기사 Volatility Managed Indexes: The Importance of Intraday Data 미리보기
Ryan Poirier Institutional Investor 2021
16049 저널기사 Volatility-Managed Portfolio: Does It Really Work? 미리보기
Fang Liu ; Xiaoxiao Tang ; Guofu Zhou Institutional Investor, Inc. 2019
16050 저널기사 Volatility Martingale Difference Divergence Matrix and Its Application to Dimension Reduction for Multivariate Volatility 미리보기
Lee, Chung Eun; Shao, Xiaofeng American Statistical Association 2020
16051 저널기사 Volatility Modeling and Value-at-Risk (VaR) Forecasting of Emerging Stock Markets in the Presence of Long Memory, Asymmetry, and Skewed Heavy Tails 미리보기
Gaye Gencer, Hatice; Demiralay, Sercan M.E. Sharpe 2016
16052 저널기사 VOLATILITY MODELS: 미리보기
MORIMUNE, K. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
16053 저널기사 Volatility of capital flows and financial liberalization: Do specific flows respond differently? 미리보기
Neumann, R. M.; Penl, R.; Tanku, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
16054 저널기사 Volatility of Development Aid: From the Frying Pan into the Fire? 미리보기
Bulir, A.; Hamann, A. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
16055 저널기사 Volatility of Ethalfluralin, Trifluralin, and Triallate from a Field following Surface Treatments with Granular Formulations 미리보기
Smith, A. E American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1997
16056 저널기사 Volatility of Internal Eliminated Segments in Germ Line Genes of Hypotrichous Ciliates 미리보기
DuBois, M. L American Society for Microbiology 1980
16057 저널기사 Volatility of Money Growth and the U.S. Velocity Puzzle: Some Further Results 미리보기
Darrat, A. F. 00 1994
16058 저널기사 Volatility of Money Growth and the U.S. Velocity Puzzle: Some Further Results 미리보기
Darrat, A. F. 00 1994
16059 저널기사 Volatility of Patulin in Apple Juice/ 미리보기
Kryger, R A American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
16060 저널기사 Volatility of real GDP: some evidence from the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan 미리보기
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