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1601 저널기사 The Virtue of Monopoly Why the Stock Market Stopped Working 미리보기
Salmon, Felix Council on Foreign Relations] 2019
1602 저널기사 The virtue of vultures: distressed debt investors in the sovereign debt market 미리보기
Kolb, Robert W. Council for Social and Economic Studies in cooperation with the Contemporary Economics and Business Association at George Mason University 2015
1603 저널기사 The virtues and vices of resigning from office 미리보기
Hatier, Cécile Macmillan Journals 2016
1604 저널기사 The Virtues of an Unlovable Press 미리보기
SCHUDSON, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1605 저널기사 The virtues of biochar: A new growth industry? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
1606 저널기사 The Virtues of `Blue Sky' Projects: How Lunar Design Taps into the Power of Imagination 미리보기
Andriopoulos, C.; Gotsi, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1607 저널기사 The virtues of DDT 미리보기
1608 저널기사 The virtues of deception - Barbara Tfank's designs flatter those who want to flaunt it- but not everything/ 미리보기
Conde Nast Publications, etc.] 2002
1609 저널기사 The Virtues of Gradualism abd Legitimacy in the Transition to a Market Economy 미리보기
DEWATRIPONT, M. / ROLAND, G;; unknown 1992
1610 저널기사 The Virtues of Hesitation: Optimal Timing in a Non-Stationary World 미리보기
Khan, U.; Stinchcombe, M.B. American Economic Association 2015
1611 저널기사 The Virtues of Heterogeneity, in Court Decisions and the Constitution 미리보기
unknown Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2018
1612 저널기사 The virtues of transformational leaders 미리보기
Spinosa, C.; Glennon, B.; Sota, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
1613 저널기사 The virtues of vices - The manual vice has long been the mainstay of the machine shop when it comes to holding a workpiece securely, but the demand for increased productivity has prompted several interesting developments. Chris Powley reports/ 미리보기
Machinery Publication Co 2000
1614 저널기사 The Virtuous Circle of Internal Corporate Reputation and Financial Performance 미리보기
Henry Stewart Publications 2023
1615 저널기사 The Virtuous Corporation: On Corporate Social Motivation and Law 미리보기
Shlomit Azgad-Tromer Stevens 2017
1616 저널기사 The virtuous imperative: modeling capital flows in the presence of non-linearity 미리보기
1617 저널기사 The Virtuous Organization 미리보기
GAVIN, J. H.; MASON, R. O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
1618 저널기사 The Virtuous Organization: A Neo-Aristotelian Foundation 미리보기
Ardagh, D. Economics Society International 2001
1619 저널기사 The virtuous spiral: a guide to sustainability for NGOs in international development, Alan Fowler, Earthscan Publications, London, 2000, 225 pages, 14.95. 미리보기
Richardson, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
1620 저널기사 The viruses in all of us: Characteristics and biological significance ofhuman endogenous retrovirus sequences 미리보기
Loewer, R National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
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