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16381 저널기사 Voltage current analysis in YBa2Cu3O7-d/CeO2/NiO/Ni89V11 structure/ 미리보기
de Santis, A North-Holland 2001
16382 저널기사 Voltage-current characteristics of c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-d films deposited by dc sputtering/ 미리보기
De Santis, A North-Holland 2000
16383 저널기사 Voltage dependence and pH regulation of human polycystin-2-mediated cation channel activity 미리보기
Gonzalez-Perrett, S.; Batelli, M.; Kim, K.; Essafi, M.; Timpanaro, G.; Moltabetti, N.; Reisin, I. L.; Arnaout, M. A.; Cantiello, H. F. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
16384 저널기사 Voltage-dependence of magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic tunneling junctions: a rigorous free electron model study/ 미리보기
Liu, S S North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
16385 저널기사 Voltage dependence of the apparent affinity for external Na+ of the backward-running sodium pump/ 미리보기
Weer, Paul De Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 2001
16386 저널기사 Voltage dependence of the magnetoresistance and the tunneling current inmagnetic tunnel junctions 미리보기
Marley, A. C American Institute of Physics 1980
16387 저널기사 Voltage dependence of the pattern and frequency of discrete Ca^2^+ release events after brief repriming in frog skeletal muscle 미리보기
Klein, M. G National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
16388 저널기사 Voltage-dependent Anion Channels Control the Release of the Superoxide Anion from Mitochondria to Cytosol 미리보기
Han, D.; Antunes, F.; Canali, R.; Rettori, D.; Cadenas, E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
16389 저널기사 Voltage-Dependent Effect of Al^3^+ on Channel Activities in Hippocampal Neurons 미리보기
Kanazirska, M Academic Press 1980
16390 저널기사 Voltage-dependent gating characteristics of the K^+ channel KAT1 depend on the N and C termini 미리보기
Marten, I National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
16391 저널기사 Voltage-dependent gating of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl^- channel/ 미리보기
Cai, Z Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 2003
16392 저널기사 Voltage-dependent modulation of N-type calcium channels by G-protein �amma subunits 미리보기
Ikeda, S. R Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
16393 저널기사 Voltage-dependent modulation of T-type calcium channels by protein tyrosine phosphorylation 미리보기
Arnoult, C Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
16394 저널기사 Voltage-dependent porin-like ion channels in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii 미리보기
Besnard, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
16395 저널기사 Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channels in White Adipocytes 미리보기
Ramirez-Ponce, M. P Academic Press 1980
16396 저널기사 Voltage distribution and phase-breaking scattering in the quantum Hall regime 미리보기
Ando, T North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
16397 저널기사 Voltage enhancement in quantum well solar cells 미리보기
Barnham, K American Institute of Physics 1980
16398 저널기사 Voltage-flux bistability in damped direct current SQUIDs 미리보기
Atkin, I. L American Institute of Physics 1980
16399 저널기사 Voltage-gated K^+ channels contain multiple intersubunit association sites 미리보기
Tu, L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
16400 저널기사 Voltage-gated Mobility of the Ca^2^+ Channel Cytoplasmic Tails and Its Regulatory Role 미리보기
Kobrinsky, E.; Schwartz, E.; Abernethy, D. R.; Soldatov, N. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
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