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16541 저널기사 Volume 7 Subject Index/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
16542 저널기사 Volume 83, 2005 Alphabetical Index 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
16543 저널기사 Volume 83, 2005 Chronological Index 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
16544 저널기사 Volume 83, 2005 Subject Index 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
16545 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Excitation of Molecular Vibrations by Positron Impact/ 미리보기
Sullivan, J P American Physical Society 2001
16546 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Experimental Observation of Post-Collision Interaction and Interference Effects in Resonant Double Photoionization Processes/ 미리보기
Rioual, S American Physical Society 2001
16547 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Giant Barkas Effect Observed for Light Ions Channeling in Si/ 미리보기
Azevedo, G de M American Physical Society 2001
16548 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Lifetime Measurements of Metastable States in Fe+/ 미리보기
Rostohar, D American Physical Society 2001
16549 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Manipulation of Cold Atomic Collisions by Cavity QED Effects/ 미리보기
Kim, J I American Physical Society 2001
16550 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - O(a3lna) Corrections to Muonium and Positronium Hyperfine Splitting/ 미리보기
Melnikov, Kirill American Physical Society 2001
16551 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Observation of Completely Destructive Quantum Interference between Interacting Resonances in Molecular Predissociation/ 미리보기
Lewis, B R American Physical Society 2001
16552 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Resolution of the Frozen-Charge Paradox in Stopping of Channeled Heavy Ions/ 미리보기
Sigmund, Peter American Physical Society 2001
16553 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Triggered Single Photons from a Quantum Dot/ 미리보기
Santori, Charles American Physical Society 2001
16554 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Two-Photon Evanescent-Volume Wave Spectroscopy: A New Account of Gas-Solid Dynamics in the Boundary Layer/ 미리보기
Bordo, V G American Physical Society 2001
16555 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Two-Wire Waveguide and Interferometer for Cold Atoms/ 미리보기
Hinds, E A American Physical Society 2001
16556 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Comments - Comment on "Creation of Magnetic Energy in the Solar Atmosphere"/ 미리보기
Swisdak, M American Physical Society 2001
16557 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Anomalous Peak in the Superconducting Condensate Density of Cuprate High-Tc Superconductors at a Unique Doping State/ 미리보기
Bernhard, C American Physical Society 2001
16558 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Field Induced Antiferromagnetic Moment in the Antiferroquadrupolar Ordered State of CeB6/ 미리보기
Sera, M American Physical Society 2001
16559 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Diamagnetic Persistent Current in Diffusive Normal-Metal Rings/ 미리보기
Jariwala, E M Q American Physical Society 2001
16560 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Effect of Hydrogen Adsorption on the X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Small Pt Clusters/ 미리보기
Ankudinov, A L American Physical Society 2001
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