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16561 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Electrodynamic Dip in the Local Density of States of a Metallic Wire/ 미리보기
Pierre, F American Physical Society 2001
16562 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Field-Induced Dynamic Diamagnetism in a Charge-Density-Wave System/ 미리보기
Harrison, N American Physical Society 2001
16563 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Field-Induced Three- and Two-Dimensional Freezing in a Quantum Spin Liquid/ 미리보기
Chen, Y American Physical Society 2001
16564 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Local Density of States of a Three-Dimensional Conductor in the Extreme Quantum Limit/ 미리보기
Haude, D American Physical Society 2001
16565 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Mechanisms for the Generation of Coherent Longitudinal-Optical Phonons in GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells/ 미리보기
Yee, K J American Physical Society 2001
16566 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Nature of Spin Excitations in Two-Dimensional Mott Insulators: Undoped Cuprates and Other Materials/ 미리보기
Ho, Chang-Ming American Physical Society 2001
16567 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Paramagnetic Reentrant Effect in Mesoscopic Cylinders Made of a Normal Metal in Proximity with a Superconductor/ 미리보기
Lisowski, M American Physical Society 2001
16568 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Phase Fluctuations and the Pseudogap in YBa2Cu3Ox/ 미리보기
Meingast, C American Physical Society 2001
16569 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Resonant Spin Excitation in an Overdoped High Temperature Superconductor/ 미리보기
He, H American Physical Society 2001
16570 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Simple Analytical Particle and Kinetic Energy Densities for a Dilute Fermionic Gas in a d-Dimensional Harmonic Trap/ 미리보기
Brack, Matthias American Physical Society 2001
16571 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Spin Relaxation Quenching in Semiconductor Quantum Dots/ 미리보기
Paillard, M American Physical Society 2001
16572 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Time Reparametrization Group and the Long Time Behavior in Quantum Glassy Systems/ 미리보기
Kennett, Malcolm P American Physical Society 2001
16573 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Two-Component Interference Effect: Model of a Spin-Polarized Transport/ 미리보기
Seba, P American Physical Society 2001
16574 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. - Ultrafast Dynamics of Electron Thermalization in Gold/ 미리보기
Guo, Chunlei American Physical Society 2001
16575 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Calculation of Quantum Tunneling for a Spatially Extended Defect: The Dislocation Kink in Copper Has a Low Effective Mass/ 미리보기
Vegge, Tejs American Physical Society 2001
16576 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Chemical Ordering in Al72Ni20Co8 Decagonal Quasicrystals/ 미리보기
Yan, Yanfa American Physical Society 2001
16577 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Complex g-Ray Hologram: Solution to Twin Images Problem in Atomic Resolution Imaging/ 미리보기
Korecki, P American Physical Society 2001
16578 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Convective Cahn-Hilliard Models: From Coarsening to Roughening/ 미리보기
Golovin, A A American Physical Society 2001
16579 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Difference in the Dynamic Scaling Behavior of Droplet Size Distribution for Coalescence under Pulsed and Continuous Vapor Delivery/ 미리보기
Narhe, R D American Physical Society 2001
16580 저널기사 VOLUME 86, NUMBER 8 - 19 February 2001 - Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. - Nothing Moves a Surface: Vacancy Mediated Surface Diffusion/ 미리보기
Gastel, R van American Physical Society 2001
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