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16681 저널기사 Volume Author Index 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
16682 저널기사 Volume Author Index 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2005
16683 저널기사 Volume Author/Subject Index/ 미리보기
American Heart Association 2001
16684 저널기사 Volume Author/Subject Index/ 미리보기
16685 저널기사 Volume Author/Subject Index /// 미리보기
American Heart Association 2001
16686 저널기사 Volume autocorrelation, information, and investor trading 미리보기
Covrig, V.; Ng, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
16687 저널기사 Volume averaging for determining the effective dispersion tensor: Closure using periodic unit cells and comparison with ensemble averaging (DOI 10.1029/2002WR001723)/ 미리보기
Wood, B. D American Geophysical Union 2003
16688 저널기사 Volume budget of the eastern boundary layer off the Iberian Peninsula 미리보기
Maze, J. P Pergamon Press 1980
16689 저널기사 Volume capacity and contraction control of the seal spleen 미리보기
Cabanac, A American Physiological Society 1980
16690 저널기사 Volume change and light scattering during mechanical damage in polymethylmethacrylate toughened with core-shell rubber particles 미리보기
Lobbrecht, A. Fond, C. Schirrer, R. Chapman and Hall 1996
16691 저널기사 Volume change due to the transition from the ferromagnetic to the antiferromagnetic state in La(Fe~0~.~8~6~2Al~0~.~1~3~8)~1~3 compound/ 미리보기
Irisawa, K American Institute of Physics 2003
16692 저널기사 Volume change during the solidification of SG iron: comparison between experimental results and simulation 미리보기
Chen, Q. Langer, E. W. Hansen, P. N. Chapman and Hall 1997
16693 저널기사 Volume changes in undrained triaxial tests on sands 미리보기
Garga, V. K National Research Council Canada 1980
16694 저널기사 Volume cluster analysis: a new technique for describing the dose homogeniety of high dose rate breast brachytherapy implants/ 미리보기
Todor, D. A Pergamon Press 2003
16695 저널기사 Volume computer copies of objects / 미리보기
Vedenov, A.A 1994
16696 저널기사 Volume Conservation in Variable Parameter Muskingum-Cunge Method/ 미리보기
Cunge, Jean A American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
16697 저널기사 Volume content and Author index 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2002
16698 저널기사 Volume contents/ 미리보기
Pergamon 2003
16699 저널기사 Volume contents /// 미리보기
Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 2001
16700 저널기사 Volume contents /// 미리보기
Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 2001
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