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16901 저널기사 Volume Porosity of Woven Fabrics/ 미리보기
Dubrovski, Polona Dobnik The Institute and the Foundation 2000
16902 저널기사 Volume-recovery theory: 1. Kovacs' �e~f~f paradox 미리보기
Struik, L. C. E Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
16903 저널기사 Volume Relationships among Types of Traders in the Financial Futures Markets 미리보기
Wiley, M. K. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1998
16904 저널기사 Volumeric Filling 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1984
16905 저널기사 Volumes and heat capacities of aqueous solutions of ammonium chloride from the temperatures 298.15 K to 623 K and pressures to 28 MPa 미리보기
Sharygin, A. V Academic Press 1980
16906 저널기사 Volumes and heat capacities of aqueous solutions of hydrochloric acid attemperatures from 298.15 K to 623 K and pressures to 28 MPa 미리보기
Sharygin, A. V Academic Press 1980
16907 저널기사 Volumes and heat capacities of the aqueous sodium dodecanoate/sodium perfluorooctanoate mixtures in the presence of beta-cyclodextrin/ 미리보기
De Lisi, R Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
16908 저널기사 Volume-sensitive Tyrosine Kinases Regulate Liver Cell Volume through Effects on Vesicular Trafficking and Membrane Na^+ Permeability/ 미리보기
Feranchak, A. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
16909 저널기사 Volume shrinkage characteristics in the cure of low-shrink unsaturated polyester resins 미리보기
Huang, Y.-J Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
16910 저널기사 VOLUMES INDEX 미리보기
Abdulqawi A. YUSUF Brill Academic Publishers
16911 저널기사 Volumes mount up, but so do problems There has been a strong increase in demand for feeder carriers active in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area. This growth has provided a welcome injection of optimism, although there are serious difficulties s 미리보기
Ruuskanen, O. INFORMA GROUP PLC 2004
16912 저널기사 Volumes of aqueous solutions of CH~4, CO~2, H~2S, and NH~3 at temperatures from 298.15 K to 705 K and pressures to 35 MPa 미리보기
Hnedkovsky, L Academic Press 1980
16913 저널기사 Volumes of MgCl~2(aq) at temperatures from 298 K to 623 K and pressures up to 30 MPa 미리보기
Obsil, M Academic Press 1980
16914 저널기사 Volume-specific cutoffs are necessary for reproducible application of prostate-specific antigen density of the transition zone in prostate cancer detection/ 미리보기
Taneja, Samir S Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
16915 저널기사 Volume Strain Measurements on CaCO~3/Polypropylene Particulate Composites: The Effect of Particle Size/ 미리보기
Lazzeri, A Wiley 2004
16916 저널기사 Volume Supplementation with Iso-Sodium Solution Prevents Hypernatremia after Head Injury/ 미리보기
Mizobata, Yasumitsu 2001
16917 저널기사 Volume table of contents/ 미리보기
American Physical Society 2000
16918 저널기사 Volume table of contents/ 미리보기
American Physical Society 2001
16919 저널기사 Volume title index 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
16920 저널기사 Volume Title Page/ 미리보기
Wiley 2000
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