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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
16941 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of aluminum Using Sodium citrate / 미리보기
Titus, Albert C American Chemical Society 1939
16942 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Bromide : 미리보기
Kolthoff, I.M American Chemical Society 1937
16943 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Cobalt by Means of Ferrous Sulfate and Potassium Dichromate / 미리보기
Sarver, Landon A American Chemical Society 1933
16944 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Iodides by ceric Sulfate/ 미리보기
Lewis. David American Chemical Society 1936
16945 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Iodine Using Elek-Hill Microbomb / 미리보기
Elek, Adalbert American Chemical Society 1937
16946 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Nitroglycerol and of Nitroglycerol and Dinitrotoluene in Admixture / 미리보기
Becker, Walter W American Chemical Society 1933
16947 저널기사 Volumetric determination of progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by computed tomography/ 미리보기
Sise, Cori Springer-Verlag 2003
16948 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Selenium / 미리보기
Coleman, W.C American Chemical Society 1937
16949 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Small Quantities of Inorganic Iodine / 미리보기
Sadusk, Jr., Joseph F American Chemical Society 1933
16950 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Sulfate in Water/ 미리보기
Foster, Margaret D American Chemical Society 1936
16951 저널기사 Volumetric Determination of Tungsten / 미리보기
Leslie Holt, M American Chemical Society 1934
16952 저널기사 Volumetric Estimation of 5-Bromo-2-Furoic Acid with Standard Bromate / 미리보기
Hughes, Elizabeth E American Chemical Society 1934
16953 저널기사 Volumetric Face Lifting/ 미리보기
Trepsat, Frank Williams & Wilkins 2001
16954 저널기사 Volumetric Face Lifting/ 미리보기
Trepsat, Frank Williams & Wilkins 2001
16955 저널기사 Volumetric Face Lifting/ 미리보기
Trepsat, Frank Williams & Wilkins 2001
16956 저널기사 Volumetric Face Lifting/ 미리보기
Trepsat, Frank Williams & Wilkins 2001
16957 저널기사 Volumetric heating in coronal streamers 미리보기
Suess, S. T William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
16958 저널기사 Volumetric interfacial area prediction in upward bubbly two-phase flow/ 미리보기
Yao, W Pergamon Press 2004
16959 저널기사 Volumetric Leaky-Aquifew Theory and Type Straight Lines 미리보기
Sen, Z American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
16960 저널기사 Volumetric measurements of liquid pentan-2-one, hexan-2-one, and 4-methylpentan-2-one at temperatures from 278.15 K to 338.13 K and pressures in the range from 0.1 MPa to 386 MPa 미리보기
Malhotra, R Academic Press 1980
맨앞 이전 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 다음 맨뒤
