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17181 저널기사 Volunteerism, curiosity and an open mind: 미리보기
Finn, John 충남대학교 북미주연구소 2009
17182 저널기사 Volunteerism in a Community-Based Sample of Women Aged 50 to 80 Years/ 미리보기
Bowen, Deborah J V.H. Winston [etc.] 2000
17183 저널기사 Volunteerism: Social Network Dynamics and Education 미리보기
Ajrouch, K. J.; Antonucci, T. C.; Webster, N. J. Gerontological Society of America 2016
17184 저널기사 Volunteer Labor Sorting across Industries 미리보기
Segal, L. M.; Weisbrod, B. A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2002
17185 저널기사 Volunteer Labour Supply: the role of workers' motivations 미리보기
Cappellari, L.; Turati, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
17186 저널기사 Volunteer management: an exploratory case study within the British Red Cross 미리보기
Waikayi, L.; Fearon, C.; Morris, L.; McLaughlin, H. EMERALD 2012
17187 저널기사 VolunteerMatch and the BBB's Wise Giving Alliance. 미리보기
Anders Susan B. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
17188 저널기사 Volunteer Militaries, The Draft, and Support for War 미리보기
Warren, P. L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
17189 저널기사 Volunteer motivation and demographic influences at a professional tennis event 미리보기
Pauline, G.; Pauline, J. S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
17190 저널기사 Volunteer police: History, benefits, costs and current descriptions 미리보기
Adam Dobrin Butterworths 2017
17191 저널기사 Volunteer Programs That Employees Can Get Excited About 미리보기
Rodell, Jessica Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2021
17192 저널기사 Volunteer role mastery and commitment: can HRM make a difference? 미리보기
Saksida, Tina; Alfes, Kerstin; Shantz, Amanda Routledge 2017
17193 저널기사 Volunteers abroad 미리보기
17194 저널기사 Volunteers acting as information providers to citizens 미리보기
Finzi, S.; Bronstein, J.; Bar-Ilan, J.; Baruchson-Arbib, S.; Rafaeli, S.; Ravid, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2012
17195 저널기사 Volunteers and the risk of posttraumatic stress disorder 미리보기
Jaffe, E.; Sasson, U.; Knobler, H.; Aviel, E.; Goldberg, A. Jossey-Bass 2012
17196 저널기사 Volunteers as tour guides: a stakeholder–agency theory case study 미리보기
Lamont, Matthew; Kennelly, Millicent; Weiler, Betty Channel View Books 2018
17197 저널기사 Volunteer Service Makes a Difference. 미리보기
Thompson, Rick S.  Institute of Management Accountants 2019
17198 저널기사 Volunteers in General Practice:It does work 미리보기
ALLIBONE,A British Medical Association 1981
17199 저널기사 Volunteers in Police Service: Celebrating 12 Years of Adding Value through Law Enforcement Volunteerism 미리보기
DeMenno, Rosemary International Association of Chiefs of Police 2015
17200 저널기사 Volunteers' involvement in online community based software development 미리보기
Xu, B.; Jones, D. R.; Shao, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
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