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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
18741 저널기사 Voter involvement, fiscal autonomy and public sector efficiency: Evidence from German municipalities 미리보기
Geys, B.; Heinemann, F.; Kalb, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
18742 저널기사 Voter Mobilization 101: Presidential Campaign Visits to Colleges and Universities in the 2016 Election 미리보기
Devine, Christopher J. American Political Science Association 2019
18743 저널기사 Voter Mobilization, Experimentation, and Translational Social Science 미리보기
Green, Donald P.; Gerber, Alan S. Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2016
18744 저널기사 Voter Mobilization in the 1986 Midterm Election. 미리보기
Jackson, Robert A. Cambridge University Press
18745 저널기사 Voter News Service after the Fall 미리보기
Mitofsky, W. J. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2003
18746 저널기사 Voter Outreach Campaigns Can Reduce Affective Polarization among Implementing Political Activists: Evidence from Inside Three Campaigns 미리보기
JOSHUA L. KALLA ; DAVID E. BROOCKMAN American Political Science Association 2022
18747 저널기사 Voter Perceptions and Party Strategies: An Empirical Approach 미리보기
Shaun Bowler Comparative Politics
18748 저널기사 Voter Perceptions of Secrecy in the 2020 Election 미리보기
Lonna Rae Atkeson, Eli McKown-Dawson, M.V. Hood III, Robert Stein M.A. Liebert 2023
18749 저널기사 Voter : pourquoi et pour qui ? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2012
18750 저널기사 Voter Preferences and State Regulation of Smoking 미리보기
Hersch, J.; Del Rossi, A. F.; Viscusi, W. K. Oxford University Press 2004
18751 저널기사 Voter Preferences and the Political Underrepresentation of Minority Groups: Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Candidates in Advanced Democracies 미리보기
Gabriele Magni ; Andrew Reynolds University of Texas Press in association with the Southern Political Science Association, [etc.] 2021
18752 저널기사 Voter Privacy in the Age of Big Data 미리보기
Rubinstein, I.S. University of Wisconsin Law School 2014
18753 저널기사 Voter Reasoning Bias When Evaluating Statements from Female and Male Political Candidates 미리보기
Jens Koed Madsen Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2019
18754 저널기사 Voter Registration Costs and Disenfranchisement: Experimental Evidence from France 미리보기
Braconnier, Céline; Dormagen, Jean-Yves; Pons, Vincent American Political Science Association 2017
18755 저널기사 Voter Responses to Fiscal Austerity 미리보기
Evelyne Hübscher, Thomas Sattler, Markus Wagner Cambridge University Press 2021
18756 저널기사 Voter Responses to Referenda Seeking to Exceed Revenue Limits 미리보기
MAHER, C. S.; SKIDMORE, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
18757 저널기사 Voter Response to Hispanic Sounding Names: Evidence from Down-Ballot Statewide Elections 미리보기
Suzanne K. Barth ; Nikolas Mittag ; Kyung H. Park Now 2019
18758 저널기사 Voter Response to Peak and End Transfers: Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Experiment 미리보기
Galiani, Sebastian; Hajj, Nadya; McEwan, Patrick J.; Ibarrarán, Pablo; Krishnaswamy, Nandita American Economic Association 2019
18759 저널기사 Voters Against Democracy The Roots of Autocratic Resurgence 미리보기
Norris, Pippa Council on Foreign Relations] 2021
18760 저널기사 Voters and Donors: The Unequal Political Consequences of Fracking 미리보기
Michael W. Sances ; Hye Young You University of Texas Press in association with the Southern Political Science Association, [etc.] 2022
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