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18961 저널기사 Vowel classification in children 미리보기
Palethorpe, S American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
18962 저널기사 Vowel discrimination in cats: Acquisition, effects of stimulus level, and performance in noise 미리보기
Hienz, R. D American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
18963 저널기사 Vowel discrimination in cats: Thresholds for the detection of second formant changes in the vowel /curly epsilon/ 미리보기
Hienz, R. D American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
18964 저널기사 Vowel identification based on amplitude modulation 미리보기
Moore, B. C. J American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
18965 저널기사 Vowel production by Mandarin speakers of English/ 미리보기
Chen, Yang Taylor & Francis 2001
18966 저널기사 Vowel Production in Children Using Cochlear Implants/ 미리보기
Moore, Jan Allison Annals Pub. Co 2001
18967 저널기사 Vowel Sounds Shape Level of Mental Construal: Putting the ee in trees and the o in forest 미리보기
Maglio, S.; Rabaglia, C.; Feder, M.; Krehm, M.; Trope, Y. Association for Consumer Research 2013
18968 저널기사 Vowles, Jack, Peter Aimer, Helena Catt, Jim Lamare, and Raymond Miller. Towards Consensus? The 1993 Election in New Zealand and the Transition to Proportional Representation 미리보기
18969 저널기사 VOWS, ALMOST Ida, a new Polish masterpiece 미리보기
Thomson, D. The Republic Pub. Co 2014
18970 저널기사 Voxel-Based Solution Approaches to the Three-Dimensional Irregular Packing Problem 미리보기
Lamas-Fernandez C, Bennell JA, Martinez-Sykora A Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2023
18971 저널기사 Voxel-based surface area estimation: from theory to practice/ 미리보기
Windreich, G Pergamon Press 2003
18972 저널기사 Vox Populi? 미리보기
Gibson, Stuart Tax Analysts 2017
18973 저널기사 Vox Populi 4.0 미리보기
Bowers, Keith; Pickerel, Tina V. American Society for Quality Control 2019
18974 저널기사 Vox populi: Civility in the blogosphere 미리보기
Cronin, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
18975 저널기사 VOX POPULI: Crunching the Numbers - TIME Polls Generation Europe on their attitudes, anxieties and aspirations/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2001
18976 저널기사 Vox Populi? Oregon Tax and Expenditure Limitation Initiatives 미리보기
Thompson, F.; Green, M. T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
18977 저널기사 Vox populi: What did Marxism Today mean to you? 미리보기
Gould, B.; Blunkett, D.; Sassoon, D.; Mulgan, G.; Perryman, M.; Davison, S.; Benton, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
18978 연속간행물 Vox sanguinis 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
International Society of Blood Transfusion League of Red Cross Societies Nederlandse Stichting voor Bloedgroepenonderzoek New York [etc.]: S. Karger. 1953-
18979 저널기사 Voyage en « Absurdie » : la Chambre sociale de la Cour de cassation et les délais de consultation du comité d’entreprise 미리보기
Laurent Milet Dialne 2016
18980 저널기사 Voyage itinérant dans les droits du licenciement – Allemagne, Italie, au pays du GR-PACT 미리보기
Morgan Sweeney Dialne 2017
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