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검색어[가나다ABC : V]
19,232건 중 19,232건 출력
950/962 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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18981 저널기사 Voyage: Jahrbuch fur Reise und Tourismusforschung 2002 Schwerpunktthema: Reisen and Essen 미리보기
M. Joppe, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
18982 저널기사 Voyage of marketing thought from a barter system to a customer centric one 미리보기
Kaur, G.; Sharma, R. D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
18983 저널기사 Voyager electron density measurements on Saturn: Analysis with a time dependent ionospheric model 미리보기
Majeed, T William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
18984 저널기사 Voyager Measurements of the Mass Composition of Cosmic-Ray Ne, Mg, Si, and S Nuclei 미리보기
Webber, W. R Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
18985 저널기사 Voyager Observations of the Color of Saturn's Rings 미리보기
Estrada, P. R Academic Press 1980
18986 저널기사 Voyager : stop ou encore ? 미리보기
Débat entre Rodolphe Christin, et Jean-François Rial Alternatives Economiques 2021
18987 저널기사 Voyages, voyages 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2016
18988 저널기사 Voyages, voyages 미리보기
Feigenbaum, S. Mouton Publishers [etc.] 2003
18989 저널기사 Voyages, voyages 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2016
18990 저널기사 VP16-activation of the C. elegans neural specification transcription factor UNC-86 suppresses mutations in downstream genes and causes defects inneural migration and axon outgrowth 미리보기
Sze, J. Y Company of Biologists 1980
18991 저널기사 VP16 Targets an Amino-Terminal Domain of HCF Involved in Cell Cycle Progression 미리보기
Wilson, A. C American Society for Microbiology 1980
18992 저널기사 V. Paradoxes of Decline 미리보기
Shevtsova, Lilia National Endowment for Democracy 2017
18993 저널기사 VPC advice on OP sheep dips . FSA proposals on the removal of SRM/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
18994 저널기사 VPERSONALIA / 미리보기
Tsukerman, Veniamin Aronovich 1993
18995 저널기사 VPN Overlay Networks: An Answer to Network-based IP VPNS? - VPNs remain one of the trickiest services to roll out, whether in-house or outsourced. Why not look at another approach? Here are four providers' solutions to the ongoing VPN mystery./ 미리보기
Allen, Doug Miller Freeman 2001
18996 저널기사 VPNs Use Tunneling To Build Business Links 미리보기
Fisher, S. E Technical Pub. Co., etc.] 1980
18997 저널기사 V Politische �ffentlichkeiten in Europa - Europ�isierung von �konomie und Politik und die Tr�gheit der Entstehung einer europ�ischen �ffentlichkeit/ 미리보기
Gerhards, J�rgen Westdeutscher Verlag 2001
18998 저널기사 V Politische �ffentlichkeiten in Europa - Korruption und politischer Skandal in der EU. Auf dem Weg zu einer europ�ischen politischen �ffentlichkeit?/ 미리보기
Trenz, Hans-J�rg Westdeutscher Verlag 2001
18999 저널기사 V Politische �ffentlichkeiten in Europa - Transnationale Resonanzstrukturen in Europa. Eine Kritik der Rede vom �ffentlichkeitsdefizit/ 미리보기
Eder, Klaus Westdeutscher Verlag 2001
19000 저널기사 Vps10p Cycles between the Late-Golgi and Prevacuolar Compartments in ItsFunction as the Sorting Receptor for Multiple Yeast Vacuolar Hydrolases 미리보기
Cooper, A. A Rockefeller University Press 1980
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