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19081 저널기사 VULNERABILITIES How to save American finance from itself 미리보기
Solow, R.M. The Republic Pub. Co. 2013
19082 저널기사 Vulnerabilities Underlying the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis Across Europe 미리보기
Fraga, Vera; Rocha, Manuel Duarte M. E. Sharpe, etc 2014
19083 저널기사 Vulnerability analysis and the practical implications of a server-challenge-based one-time password system 미리보기
Yang, S. S.; Choi, H. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
19084 저널기사 Vulnerability Analysis in the Correctional Environment/ 미리보기
Shaffer, J. S J. B. Lippincott Co 2003
19085 저널기사 Vulnerability analysis of global container shipping liner network based on main channel disruption 미리보기
Wu, Di; Wang, Nuo; Yu, Anqi; Wu, Nuan Taylor & Francis 2019
19086 저널기사 Vulnerability Analysis of the Financial Network 미리보기
Khabazian, Aein; Peng, Jiming Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
19087 저널기사 vulnerability and compensation: constructing an index of co-optation in autocratic regimes 미리보기
alexander schmotz PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD. 2015
19088 저널기사 Vulnerability and discrimination among women, children and ethnic minorities 미리보기
Caroleo, F. E.; Giannelli, G. C.; Pastore, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
19089 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Children Exposed to Violence: Measurement Considerations within an Ecological Framework/ 미리보기
Mohr, Wanda K Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19090 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Dimensions of Vulnerability in Emergency Nurses' Narratives/ 미리보기
Malone, Ruth E Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19091 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Dispelling Myths and Creating Opportunity: A Comparison of the Strengths of Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families/ 미리보기
Ford-Gilboe, Marilyn Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19092 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Experiencing Transitions: An Emerging Middle-Range Theory/ 미리보기
Meleis, Afaf Ibrahim Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19093 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - From the Editor /// 미리보기
Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19094 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Information for Authors /// 미리보기
Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19095 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Letters to the Editor /// 미리보기
Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19096 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Long-Term Goals and Normalization Strategies of Children and Families Affected by HIV/AIDS/ 미리보기
Rehm, Roberta S Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19097 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - Nursing's Gender Politics: Reformulating the Footnotes/ 미리보기
David, Beverly Ann Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19098 저널기사 Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part II - The Vulnerabilities of Teenage Mothers: Challenging Prevailing Assumptions/ 미리보기
SmithBattle, Lee Aspen Systems Corp.] 2000
19099 저널기사 Vulnerability and industrial hazards in industrializing countries: an integrative approach 미리보기
de Souza Porto, M. F.; de Freitas, C. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
19100 저널기사 Vulnerability and information security investment: An empirical analysis of e-local government in Japan 미리보기
Tanaka, H.; Matsuura, K.; Sudoh, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
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