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19161 저널기사 Vulnerable work and international migrants: a relational human resource management perspective 미리보기
Hakak, L.T.; Ariss, A.A. Routledge 2013
19162 저널기사 Vulnerable workers in an emerging Middle Eastern economy: what are the implications for HRM? 미리보기
Connell, J.; Burgess, J. Routledge 2013
19163 저널기사 Vulnerable workers, precarious work and the role of trade unions and HRM 미리보기
Burgess, J.; Connell, J.; Winterton, J. Routledge 2013
19164 저널기사 Vulnerable work in Gauteng: Hospitality sector survey 미리보기
Webster, E.; Loonat, A.; Budlender, D.; Williams, L.; Ortin, M. Institute for Industrial Education 2013
19165 저널기사 Vulnérabilité sociale, une approche philosophique et politique 미리보기
Poché, Fred La Documentation Francaise 2016
19166 저널기사 Vulpia sicula 미리보기
Stace Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
19167 저널기사 Vulture investors and the market for control of distressed firms 미리보기
Hotchkiss, E. S. 00 1997
19168 저널기사 Vulture investors and the market for control of distressed firms 미리보기
Hotchkiss, Edith S North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1997
19169 저널기사 Vultures: Following the dodo? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2007
19170 저널기사 Vulval development in Caenorhabditis elegans 미리보기
Kornfeld, K Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
19171 저널기사 Vulval lichen planus: progression of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia to invasive vulval carcinomas/ 미리보기
Jones, Ronald W British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
19172 저널기사 Vulval tuberculosis: an unusual case/ 미리보기
Tripathi, R Munksgaard [etc.] 1900
19173 저널기사 Vulvar mucus observations and the probability of pregnancy/ 미리보기
Stanford, J. B American college of Ob and Gy 2003
19174 저널기사 Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: guidelines for early diagnosis and treatment/ 미리보기
Tyring, S. K C.V. Mosby Co 1900
19175 저널기사 Vulvar syringoma: A clinicopathologic and immunohistologic study of 18 patients and results of treatment/ 미리보기
Huang, Y.-H C. V. Mosby] 2003
19176 저널기사 Vulvar vestibulitis: a multi-factorial condition/ 미리보기
Danielsson, Ingela British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
19177 저널기사 Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: reliability of diagnosis and evaluation of current diagnostic criteria/ 미리보기
Bergeron, Sophie American college of Ob and Gy 2001
19178 저널기사 Vulvovaginitis in prepubertal girls/ 미리보기
Stricker, T BMJ Pub. Group [etc.] 2003
19179 저널기사 Vurgun, Oskar, Die Staatsanwaltschaft beim Sondergericht Aachen 미리보기
Benjamin Lahusen Hermann Boehlaus Nachfolger 2019
19180 저널기사 VUV excitation properties of LnAl3B4O12:Re (Ln=Y, Gd; Re=Eu, Tb)/ 미리보기
Hongpeng, You Pergamon Press 2000
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