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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Walrasian Theory of Money and Barter 미리보기
Banerjeee, A. V. 00 1996
2 저널기사 The War against the Poor: The Underclass and Antipoverty Policy, Herbert J. Gans 미리보기
Neuberg, L. G. 00 1996
3 저널기사 The Washington Consensus a Decade Later: Ideology and the Art and Science of Policy Advice 미리보기
Srinivasan, T. N. 00 2000
4 저널기사 The Wealth Effects of Bank Financing Announcements in Highly Leveraged Transactions 미리보기
Kracaw, W. A. 00 1996
5 저널기사 The Welfare Economics of Population 미리보기
Broome, J. 00 1996
6 저널기사 The Welfare Effects of Foreign Capital Inflow with Tariff-Ridden and Quota-Restricted Imports 미리보기
Inoue, T. 00 1995
7 저널기사 The welfare effects of mergers in the hospital industry - understanding the evolving rules 미리보기
Calem, P.S. 00 1999
8 저널기사 The Welfare of the Child in Custody Disputes after Parental Separation or Divorce 미리보기
Kaltenborn, K.-F. 00 1998
9 저널기사 The Work of Leadership 미리보기
Heifetz, R. A. 00 1997
10 저널기사 The world economy in 2200 미리보기
Regan, S. 00 2000
11 저널기사 The world economy to 2015 미리보기
Onishi, A. 00 2001
12 저널기사 The World Trade Organisation After Seattle 미리보기
Sampson, G. P. 00 2000
13 저널기사 The WTO Trade Policy Review of Argentina, 1999 미리보기
Berlinski, J. 00 2000
14 저널기사 Wage Differentials and Labour Supply of Married Women in Japan: Part-Time and Informal Sector Work Opportunities 미리보기
Nagase, N. 00 1997
15 저널기사 Wage Discrimination across Ethnic Groups: Evidence from Israel 미리보기
Neuman, S. 00 1996
16 저널기사 Wage Risk and the Lee, Liaw and Rahman Model 미리보기
Peyser, P. S. 00 1994
17 저널기사 Wage Secrecy as a Social Convention 미리보기
Danziger, L. 00 1997
18 저널기사 Wage Setting, Taxes, and Demand for Labor in Greece 미리보기
Kouretas, G. P. 00 2000
19 저널기사 Wages, Participation and Targeting - The Case of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in India 미리보기
Gaiha, R. 00 1996
20 저널기사 Walkling, Corporate governance and shareholder initiatives: Empirical evidence 미리보기
Karpoff, J. M. 00 1996
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