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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
221 저널기사 A willingness-to-pay function for protecting acres of spotted owl habitat from fire 미리보기
Loomis, J. B. ELSEVIER 1998
222 저널기사 A Willingness to Serve: Hiring Veterans Could Be the Key to Overcoming Skills Shortage 미리보기
A. Selko Penton/IPC 2021
Quillen, A C Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 2001
224 저널기사 A Windfall for Iran? The End of Sanctions and the Iranian Economy 미리보기
Amir-Mokri, Cyrus; Biglari, Hamid Council on Foreign Relations] 2015
225 저널기사 A windfall tax on oil? 미리보기
226 저널기사 A wind in the intermediate polar candidate 1 H0551-819? 미리보기
Mouchet, M Springer-Verlag 1996
227 저널기사 A windowing approach to detecting line segments using Hough transform 미리보기
Zhang, Y Pergamon Press 1980
228 저널기사 A Window of Opportunity/ 미리보기
Bliss, S. J Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
229 저널기사 A window of opportunity The European Liner Affairs Association outlines the main details of its revised proposal to the European Commission's DG Competition, regarding the need for more industry transparency 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2006
230 저널기사 A window on information systems technology in China 미리보기
Ishman, M. D. ELSEVIER 1994
231 저널기사 A Window Seat on American Politics: Reflections on the GMFUS/APSA Congressional Fellowship 미리보기
Bruns, S. American Political Science Association 2012
232 저널기사 A wind tunnel evaluation of methods for estimating surface roughness length at industrial facilities 미리보기
Petersen, R. L Pergamon 1997
233 저널기사 A Wind Tunnel Study of Air Flow in Waving Wheat: Two-Point Velocity Statistics 미리보기
Shaw, R. H D. Reidel Pub. Co 1980
234 저널기사 A wind tunnel study of dense gas dispersion in a neutral boundary layer over a rough surface/ 미리보기
Robins, Alan Pergamon 2001
235 저널기사 A wind tunnel study of dense gas dispersion in a stable boundary layer over a rough surface/ 미리보기
Robins, Alan Pergamon 2001
236 저널기사 A Wind Tunnel Study of Turbulent Flow Around Single and Multiple Windbreaks, Part I: Velocity Fields 미리보기
Judd, M. J D. Reidel Pub. Co 1980
237 저널기사 A Wine Tourist Behavior Model for Australian Winery Cellar Doors 미리보기
Chen, Xiaoyu; Bruwer, Johan; Cohen, Justin; Goodman, Steve Cognizant Communication Corp 2016
238 저널기사 A Win for Democracy in Sri Lanka 미리보기
DeVotta, Neil National Endowment for Democracy 2016
239 저널기사 A Wing and a Player - CEO Phil Condit offers an exclusive first ride aboard the new $48 million Boeing Business Jet. Also: Tongue scraping in Tinseltown / The obscure passion of tree climbing / Hating the Eurostar / and more./ 미리보기
Time, inc., etc.] 2000
240 저널기사 A Wing and a Prayer - Numb from disa.ster, American Airlines just keeps coping and flying./ 미리보기
Helyar, John Time, inc., etc.] 2001
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