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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
281 저널기사 A Woman with Gastric Lymphoma and Erosive Mucosal and Cutaneous Lesions/ 미리보기
Ahmed, A. R Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
282 저널기사 A Woman with Impaired Renal Function/ 미리보기
Singh, A. K Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
283 저널기사 A Womb With a View: Information Displays Go 3D 미리보기
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
284 저널기사 A Wonderland of Disposable Facts 미리보기
Andrew Askland Berkeley Electronic Press
285 저널기사 A Wood Gavel with a Novel Shape / 미리보기
Jenkins 1980
286 저널기사 A Wood's Metal Reductor / 미리보기
Smith, G. Frederick American Chemical Society 1937
287 저널기사 A Woodworking Update : 미리보기
Spencer Educational Press Association of America 1989
288 저널기사 A Word About Boring Tools 미리보기
Penton 1980
289 저널기사 A word-counting technique for the solution of stochastic equations/ 미리보기
Moraal, Hendrik Klauck, Kai North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
290 저널기사 A word from the Editors 미리보기
Jong, Marielle; diBartolomeo, Dan; Satchell, Steve Palgrave Macmillan
291 저널기사 A word from the new editors 미리보기
Ebenezer Obadare ; Ian Taylor Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2018
292 저널기사 A word from the outgoing editors 미리보기
Leonardo A. Villalón ; Paul Nugent Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2018
293 저널기사 A Word from the PCEA Co-Chairs: The Report Was Just the Beginning 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2015
294 저널기사 A Word of Caution for Investors: Don't Be a Slave to History 미리보기
Sloan, Allan Time, inc., etc.] 2014
295 저널기사 A word of caution on calculating market-based minimum capital risk requirements 미리보기
Brooks, C. ELSEVIER 2000
296 저널기사 A Word of Thanks to George Edwards 미리보기
Howell, William G. American Political Science Association 2017
297 저널기사 A Word of Warning to Debtor Countries 미리보기
D. J. Lynn Intertec Pub., etc.] 2013
298 저널기사 A workable standard 미리보기
Penny, J. Accountancy 2013
299 저널기사 A Worker-Employer-Customer Triangle: The Case of Tips 미리보기
Albin, E. Oxford University Press 2011
300 저널기사 A worker in a worker's state (Book Review). 미리보기
Komlos John American Economic Assonication
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