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61 저널기사 A Water-vapor Permeable Drying Surface for Thin Films 미리보기
Bowser, T. J American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
62 저널기사 A water vapor-permeable membrane from block copolymers of poly (butyleneterephthalate) and polyethylene oxide 미리보기
Gebben, B Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
63 저널기사 A water-vapour giga-maser in the active galaxy TXFS2226-184 미리보기
Koekemoer, A. M Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1995
64 저널기사 A water war with Mexico 미리보기
65 저널기사 A Wave Equation Model to Solve the Multidimensional Transport Equation 미리보기
Wu, J Wiley 1980
66 저널기사 A Waveguide Applicator for Irradiation of Samples at Controlled Temperature / 미리보기
Rzepecka, M. A 1975
67 저널기사 A Wave in the Earth 미리보기
Johnston, A. C American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
68 저널기사 A wavelength and polarization selector made of holographic polarization beamsplitting cubes for optical communications 미리보기
Chang, J.-T American Institute of Physics 1980
69 저널기사 A wavelength-dispersive arrangement for wafer analysis with total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using synchrotron radiation/ 미리보기
Schwenke, H Pergamon Press 2003
70 저널기사 A wavelet analysis for exploring the relationship between economic policy uncertainty and tourist footfalls in the USA 미리보기
Singh, Ritu; Das, Debojyoti; Jana, R. K.; Tiwari, Aviral Kumar Channel View Books 2019
71 저널기사 A wavelet approach for factor-augmented forecasting 미리보기
Rua, A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
72 저널기사 A Wavelet-Based Approach to Preserve Privacy for Classification Mining: 미리보기
Bapna, S.; Gangopadhyay, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
73 저널기사 A wavelet-based assessment of market risk: The emerging markets case 미리보기
Rua, A.; Nunes, L. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
74 저널기사 A wavelet network model for analysing exchange rate effects on interest rates 미리보기
Ozun, A.; Cifter, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
75 저널기사 A wavelet smoothing method to improve conditional sales forecasting 미리보기
Michis, Antonis A Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2015
76 저널기사 A wave matrix 미리보기
Brody, A. ELSEVIER 2000
77 저널기사 A Wave Mechanical Description of Electron and Position Emission from Crystals / 미리보기
DEWAMES, R.E Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1968
78 저널기사 A wave of support? A natural experiment on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the popularity of a basic income 미리보기
Arno Van Hootegem ; Tijs Laenen Boom 2023
79 저널기사 A wave of technology disruption: Most of today's leading companies will not exist in 2035 미리보기
VIVEK, WADHWA Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2015
80 저널기사 A wave packet approach to the Liouville-von Neumann equation for dissipative systems 미리보기
Gerdts, T American Institute of Physics 1980
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