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221 저널기사 XCTK2: A Kinesin-related Protein That Promotes Mitotic Spindle Assembly in Xenopus laevis Egg Extracts 미리보기
Walczak, C. E Rockefeller University Press 1980
Han, C.; Phillips, P.C.B.; Sul, D. Cambridge University Press 2014
223 저널기사 XeCl 엑시머 레이저의 고출력특성= 미리보기
권성옥 忠南大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1997
224 저널기사 XeF(C-A) laser pumped by formed-ferrite open discharge radiation 미리보기
Sentis, M. L American Institute of Physics 1980
225 저널기사 X-efficiency and allocative efficiency: What have we learned? 미리보기
Frantz Roger American Economic Assonication
226 저널기사 X-efficiency in Australian banking: An empirical investigation 미리보기
Sathye, M. ELSEVIER 2001
227 저널기사 X-efficiency in emerging competitive markets: The case of U.S. telecommunications 미리보기
Majumdar, Sumit K North-Holland Pub. Co 1995
228 저널기사 X-efficiency in emerging competitive markets: The case of U.S. telecommunications 미리보기
Majumdar, S. K. ELSEVIER 1995
229 저널기사 X-Efficiency in the US life insurance industry 미리보기
Gardner, L. A. ELSEVIER 1993
230 저널기사 X-Efficiency of Australian Permanent Building Societies, 1974-1990 미리보기
Esho, N. unknown 1996
231 저널기사 X.E. Kramer & C.H. Van Rhee, eds., Civil Litigation in a Globalising World 미리보기
Main, T.O. American Society of Comparative Law 2013
232 저널기사 XEL Communications 미리보기
Sheridan, John H Penton/IPC 1995
233 저널기사 Xeniaoxolane: A New Xenicane-type Diterpenoid from the Okinawan Soft Coral, Xenia sp.; Absolute Configurations of Xeniaoxolane, Xeniolide-A and Xenialactol/ 미리보기
Miyaoka, Hiroaki Pergamon Press 2000
234 저널기사 Xenobiotic Biotransformation in Unicellular Green Algae. Involvement of Cytochrome P450 in the Activation and Selectivity of the Pyridazinone Pro-Herbicide Metflurazon 미리보기
Thies, F American Society of Plant Physiologists 1980
235 저널기사 Xenobiotic-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Mechanisms of Liver Injury and Methods of Monitoring Hepatic Function 미리보기
Sturgill, M. G American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
236 저널기사 Xenobiotic responsive element-mediated transcriptional activation in theUDP-glucuronosyltransferase family 1 gene complex 미리보기
Emi, Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
237 저널기사 Xenobiotics, extreme environments and recalcitrant compounds - Recalcitrance as a catalyst for new developments/ 미리보기
Field, J A Pergamon Press 2001
238 저널기사 Xenobiotics, extreme environments and recalcitrant compounds - Temperature characteristics of mothanogenic archaea and acetogenic bacteria isolated from cold environments/ 미리보기
Nozhevnikova, A Pergamon Press 2001
239 저널기사 Xenobiotics, extreme environments and recalcitrant compounds - The potential of anaerobic bacteria to degrade chlorinated compounds/ 미리보기
Eekert, M H A van Pergamon Press 2001
240 저널기사 Xenogeneic cells and superantigen induce human T-cell activation in the absence of T-cell recognition of xenoantigen/ 미리보기
Diaz Jr, L. A C. V. Mosby 2003
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