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261 저널기사 Xenopus Drf1, a Regulator of Cdc7, Displays Checkpoint-dependent Accumulation on Chromatin during an S-phase Arrest/ 미리보기
Yanow, S. K American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
262 저널기사 Xenopus embryonic cell adhesion to fibronectin: Position-specific activation of RGD/synergy site-dependent migratory behavior at gastrulation 미리보기
Ramos, J. W Rockefeller University Press 1980
263 저널기사 Xenopus FK 506-Binding Protein Homolog Induces a Secondary Axis in Frog Embryos, Which Is Inhibited by Coexisting BMP 4 Signaling 미리보기
Nishinakamura, R Academic Press 1980
264 저널기사 Xenopus Heat Shock Factor 1 Is a Nuclear Protein before Heat Stress 미리보기
Mercier, P. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
265 저널기사 Xenopus laevis actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin: A phosphorylation-regulated protein essential for development 미리보기
Abe, H Rockefeller University Press 1980
266 저널기사 Xenopus Mad Proteins Transduce Distinct Subsets of Signals for the TGF�Superfamily 미리보기
Graff, J. M MIT Press 1996
267 저널기사 Xenopus mothers against decapentaplegic is an embryonic ventralizing agent that acts downstream of the BMP-2/4 receptor 미리보기
Thomsen, G. H Company of Biologists 1980
268 저널기사 Xenopus msx1 mediates epidermal induction and neural inhibition by BMP4 미리보기
Suzuki, A Company of Biologists 1980
269 저널기사 Xenopus nonmuscle myosin heavy chain isoforms have different subcellularlocalizations and enzymatic activities 미리보기
Kelley, C. A Rockefeller University Press 1980
270 저널기사 Xenopus Oocytes Express a Unitary Glutamate Receptor Endogenously 미리보기
Soloviev, M. M Academic Press 1980
271 저널기사 Xenopus Poly(A) Binding Protein: Functional Domains in RNA Binding and Protein-Protein Interaction 미리보기
Kuehn, U Academic Press 1980
272 저널기사 Xenopus ribosomal RNA gene intergenic spacer elements conferring transcriptional enhancement and nucleolar dominance-like competition in oocytes 미리보기
Caudy, A. A.; Pikaard, C. S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
273 저널기사 Xenopus VegT RNA is localized to the vegetal cortex during oogenesis andencodes a novel T-box transcription factor involved in mesodermal patterning 미리보기
Zhang, J Company of Biologists 1980
274 저널기사 Xenopus Zic3, a primary regulator both in neural and neural crest development 미리보기
Nakata, K National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
275 저널기사 Xenorhabdus nematophila (Enterobacteriacea) Secretes a Cation-selective Calcium-independent Porin Which Causes Vacuolation of the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Cell Lysis 미리보기
Ribeiro, C.; Vignes, M.; Brehelin, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
276 저널기사 Xenotransplantation and food animal practitioners 미리보기
Herrick, J. B American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
277 단행본 Xenotransplantation and risk : regulating a developing biotechnology 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Sara Fovargue Cambridge University Press 2012
278 저널기사 Xenotransplantation: a tool for reproductive biology and animal conservation?/ 미리보기
Paris, M. C Butterworths, etc 2003
279 저널기사 Xenotransplantation-Law and Ethics 미리보기
Fovargue, S. Oxford University Press 2006
280 단행본 Xenotransplantation:law and ethics 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Sheila A.M. McLean and Laura Williamson Ashgate 2005
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