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361 저널기사 XIPOU 2 is a potential regulator of Spemann's Organizer 미리보기
Witta, S. E Company of Biologists 1980
362 저널기사 Xiro3 encodes a Xenopus homolog of the Drosophila Iroquois genes and functions in neural specification 미리보기
Bellefroid, E. J Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
363 저널기사 Xiro, a Xenopus homolog of the Drosophila Iroquois complex genes, controls development at the neural plate 미리보기
Gomez-Skarmeta, J. L Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
364 저널기사 X-Irradiation Activates the Drosophila 1731 Retrotransposon LTR and Stimulates Secretion of an Extracellular Factor That Induces the 1731-LTR Transcription in Nonirradiated Cells 미리보기
Faure, E Japanese Biochemical Society 1980
365 저널기사 Xi's Corruption Crackdown How Bribery and Graft Threaten the Chinese Dream 미리보기
Leung, James Council on Foreign Relations] 2015
Donnelly, Grace Time, inc., etc.] 2018
367 저널기사 Xist-deficient mice are defective in dosage compensation but not spermatogenesis 미리보기
Marahrens, Y Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
368 저널기사 Xist has properties of the X-chromosome inactivation centre 미리보기
Herzing, L. B. K Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
369 저널기사 XIST RNA paints the inactive X chromosome at interphase: Evidence for a novel RNA involved in nuclear/chromosome structure 미리보기
Clemson, C. M Rockefeller University Press 1980
370 저널기사 XIV. Vormbaum, Thomas, Einführung in die moderne Strafrechtsgeschichte 미리보기
Kristina Schröder ; Florian Jeßberger Hermann Boehlaus Nachfolger 2021
371 저널기사 XKCM1: A Xenopus Kinesin-Related Protein That Regulates Microtubule Dynamics during Mitotic Spindle Assembly 미리보기
Walczak, C. E MIT Press 1996
372 저널기사 Xkid Is Degraded in a D-Box, KEN-Box, and A-Box-Independent Pathway/ 미리보기
Castro, A American Society for Microbiology 2003
373 저널기사 Xklp2, a Novel Xenopus Centrosomal Kinesin-like Protein Required for Centrosome Separation during Mitosis 미리보기
Boleti, H MIT Press 1996
374 저널기사 XL: an XML programming language for Web service specification and composition/ 미리보기
Florescu, D Elsevier 2003
375 저널기사 X-linked ichthyosis in southern Italy/ 미리보기
Ingordo, C. I C. V. Mosby] 2003
376 저널기사 X-linked lAP is a direct inhibitor of cell-death proteases 미리보기
Deveraux, Q. L Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
377 저널기사 X-linked ocular albinism (Nettleship-Falls): a novel 29-bp deletion in exon 1./ 미리보기
Rudolph, G�nther 2001
378 저널기사 X-Linked Stapes Gusher: CT Findings in One Patient/ 미리보기
Kumar, G American Society of Neuroradiology 2003
379 저널기사 XLPE/EPDM의 이층구조 절연체의 공간전하 분포와 전기전도 특성 = 미리보기
박강식 忠南大學校 工科大學 産業技術硏究所 1996
380 저널기사 Xlrbpa, a Double-stranded RNA-binding Protein Associated with Ribosomes and Heterogeneous Nuclear RNPs 미리보기
Eckmann, C. R Rockefeller University Press 1980
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