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Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Yang-Mills instantons sitting on a Ricci-flat worldspace of double D4-branes (16 pages)/ 미리보기
Kim, Hongsu Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
2 저널기사 You need not be afraid of phantom energy (3 pages)/ 미리보기
Gonzalez-Diaz, P. F Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
3 저널기사 Yrast excitations in N = 81 nuclei 132Sb and 133Te from 248Cm fission (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Bhattacharyya, P Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
4 저널기사 Yrast three-quasiparticle K isomers in neutron-rich 181Hf (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Shestakova, I Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
5 저널기사 Yukawa quasi-unification with mu<0 (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Gomez, M. E Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
6 저널기사 Yukawa structure, flavor changing, and CP violation in supergravity (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Ross, G. G Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
7 저널기사 Yukawa unification and unstable minima of the supersymmetric scalar potential (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Datta, Amitava Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
8 저널기사 Yukawa unification as a window into the soft supersymmetry breaking Lagrangian (30 pages)/ 미리보기
King, S F Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
9 저널기사 Yukawa unified supersymmetric SO(10) model: Cosmology, rare decays, and collider searches (15 pages)/ 미리보기
Baer, Howard Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
