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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
521 저널기사 Yates taps into its tills 미리보기
522 저널기사 Y a-t-il trop de dépenses publiques en France ? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2017
523 저널기사 Y a-t-il trop de dépenses publiques en France ? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2017
524 저널기사 Y a-t-il un âge pour travailler ? 미리보기
S. Abouaissa Dept.of Industrial Relations,Laval University 2014
525 저널기사 Y a-t-il une << French Touch >> en economie? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2014
526 저널기사 Y a-t-il un exode des qualifiés français ? 미리보기
Bono, Pierre-Henri; Wasmer, Étienne La Documentation Francaise 2015
527 저널기사 Y a-t-il un renouveau de l'entreprise en France ? 미리보기
Roche, Gabriel A. Giménez La Documentation Francaise 2019
528 저널기사 Yatimation of Oleomargarine in Ice Cream/ 미리보기
Whitehead, T. H American Chemical Society 1936
529 저널기사 Yau et al. Reply/ 미리보기
Yau, J.-B American Physical Society 2003
530 저널기사 Y aura-t-il un pilote dans le logement? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2013
531 저널기사 Yawning despite trismus in a patient with locked-in syndrome caused by a thrombosed megadolichobasilar artery/ 미리보기
Krasnianski, M Van Gorcum 2004
532 저널기사 Yayoi Kusama Cosmic queen 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
533 저널기사 YAZAKI, "Social Change and the City in Japan" (Book Review) 미리보기
ROZMAN, GILBERT Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1971
534 저널기사 YAZAKI, "The Socioeconomic Structure of the Tokyo Metropolitan Complex" (Book Review) 미리보기
BRETT, CECIL C. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1971
535 저널기사 YAZDANI, "Hyderabad during the Residency of Henry Russell, 1811-1820: A Case Study of the Subsidiary Alliance System" (Book Review) 미리보기
WOOD, PETER Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1980
536 저널기사 YAZ proxy installation to enhance Z39.50 server performance 미리보기
Dixson, L. E. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
537 저널기사 Ya.Ⅰ. Frenkel on the real surface of crystals / 미리보기
Suris, R.A 1994
538 저널기사 Ya.Ⅰ. Frenkel's studies of the theory of electricall conductivity of metals / 미리보기
Suris, R.A 1994
539 저널기사 Ya.Ⅰ. Frenkel's work in nuclear physics / 미리보기
Frenkel, V.Ya 1994
540 저널기사 Ya.Ⅰ. Frenkel : the man, the scientist, the teacher / 미리보기
Golant, V.E 1994
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