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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
561 저널기사 YBCO films with induced composition gradient: an accurate exploration of the film growth characteristics/ 미리보기
Santiso, J North-Holland 2001
562 저널기사 YBCO thin films on multilayers prepared by all-chemical solution deposition processing/ 미리보기
Hiei, H North-Holland 2001
563 저널기사 YBCO thin films on multilayers prepared by all-chemical solution deposition processing/ 미리보기
Hiei, H North-Holland 2001
564 저널기사 YBCO wafer qualification by surface resistance measurements combined with performance studies of microstrip resonators/ 미리보기
Schwab, R North-Holland 2001
565 연속간행물 ybm english 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
[시사영어사 編] 시사영어사 1959-
566 저널기사 YBMs: Religious Identity and Consumption among Young British Muslims 미리보기
Hannah Wright NTC Publications Ltd 2015
567 저널기사 Yb(OTf)~3-Catalyzed Michael Addition Reactions of �ketoesters on SilicaGel Supports and At High Pressure^1 미리보기
Kotsuki, H Pergamon Press 1980
568 저널기사 Yb(OTf)~3-Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of �Lactams from Silyl Ketene Thioacetals by a Two-or a Three Component Reaction 미리보기
Annunziata, R American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
569 저널기사 Y box-binding protein 1 induces resistance to oncogenic transformation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway/ 미리보기
Bader, A. G National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
570 저널기사 Y-box-binding Protein YB-1 Mediates Transcriptional Repression of Human alpha2(I) Collagen Gene Expression by Interferon-gamma 미리보기
Higashi, K.; Inagaki, Y.; Suzuki, N.; Mitsui, S.; Mauviel, A.; Kaneko, H.; Nakatsuka, I. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
571 저널기사 y-Brasses with R cells. 미리보기
BRANDON, J. K Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
572 저널기사 YC-1 Facilitates Release of the Proximal His Residue in the NO and CO Complexes of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase 미리보기
Makino, R.; Obayashi, E.; Homma, N.; Shiro, Y.; Hori, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
573 저널기사 Y-Cam offers retailers a simple security solution 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
574 저널기사 YCC: a gendered carnival? Project work at Volvo Cars 미리보기
Styhre, A.; Backman, M.; Borjesson, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2005
575 저널기사 YCCの追加修正なら長期金利は0.9%程度まで上昇も 미리보기
海老原 慎司 金融財政事情硏究會 2023
576 저널기사 YCC上限引き上げは可能性大も、マイナス金利解除は早計 미리보기
松沢 中 金融財政事情硏究會 2023
577 저널기사 YCC修正で膨らむ利上げ期待、24年に向けて進む円高調整 미리보기
後藤 祐二朗 金融財政事情硏究會 2023
578 저널기사 YCC修正を待つ国内投資家、国内債回帰で金利上昇は限定的に 미리보기
森田 長太郎 金融財政事情硏究會 2023
579 저널기사 Ycf1p-dependent Hg(II) detoxification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ 미리보기
Gueldry, O Springer-Verlag 2003
580 저널기사 Y chromosome 미리보기
Peterson Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
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