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4881 저널기사 Zwölf offene Fragen zur Reform der Privatinsolvenzen 미리보기
Ulrich Schmerbach ; Stefanie Semmelbeck Beck 2014
4882 저널기사 Zwölftes Göttinger Forum zum Arbeitsrecht 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2014
4883 저널기사 Zwölftes Göttinger Forum zum Arbeitsrecht – „Die Zukunft der Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in Europa” 미리보기
René Erfurth C. H. Beck 2015
4884 저널기사 Zygmunt Bauman's poisoned gift of morality/ 미리보기
Junge, Matthias 2001
4885 저널기사 Zygomatic arch defects grafted with mineralized bone with PRP or PPP in dogs/ 미리보기
Harris, D American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2003
4886 저널기사 Zygomycotic infection of the neonatal upper extremity/ 미리보기
Scheffler, E Grune and Stratton 2003
4887 저널기사 Zygosaccharomyces rouxii의 固定化 = 미리보기
박세정 忠南大學校 農業技術硏究所 1987
4888 저널기사 Zygotic degradation of two maternal Cdc25 mRNAs terminates Drosophila's early cell cycle program 미리보기
Edgar, B. A Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
4889 저널기사 Zygotic Drosophilia E-cadherin expression is required for processes of dynamic epithelial cell rearrangement m the Drosophila embryo 미리보기
Uemura, T Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
4890 저널기사 Zylon-reinforced high magnetic field coils for the K.U. Leuven pulsed field laboratory/ 미리보기
Rosseel, K North-Holland 2001
4891 저널기사 Zyme, a novel and potentially amyloidogenic enzyme cDNA isolated from Alzheimer's disease brain 미리보기
Little, S. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
4892 저널기사 Zymography: A Single-Step Staining Method for Quantitation of Proteolytic Activity on Substrate Gels 미리보기
Leber, T. M Academic Press 1980
4893 저널기사 Zymosan enhances the immune response to DNA vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 through the activation of complement system/ 미리보기
Ara, Yuki Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
4894 저널기사 Zynga In the doghouse 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
4895 저널기사 Zynismus mit journalistischem Antlitz Russlands Medien, die Macht und die Ukraine 미리보기
Voswinkel, J. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 2014
4896 저널기사 Zynismus statt Postmoderne Geschichte eines (kalkulierten) Missverständnisses 미리보기
Lipovetsky, Mark Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 2019
4897 저널기사 Zyn-Linked colchicines: Controlled-release lipophilic prodrugs with enhanced antitumor efficacy 미리보기
Baker, M. A Elsevier Science Publishers 1980
4898 저널기사 ZYSMAN (JOHN). Governments, Markets, and Growth. Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change 미리보기
A. butt- Philip;; unknown 1985
4899 저널기사 Zythiostromic acids, diterpenoids from an antifungal Zythiostroma species associated with aspen 미리보기
Ayer, W. A Pergamon Press 1996
4900 저널기사 Zywiec Extends Capacity 미리보기
Siebel Pub. Co 1996
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