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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1441 저널기사 ZNF202 is inversely regulated with its target genes ABCA1 and apoE during macrophage differentiation and foam cell formation/ 미리보기
Langmann, T Lipid Research, inc.] 2003
1442 저널기사 ZNF214: a candidate gene for impaired spermatogenesis./ 미리보기
Gianotten, J American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
1443 저널기사 Zn(II)-free Dimethylargininase-1 (DDAH-1) Is Inhibited upon Specific Cys-S-Nitrosylation 미리보기
Knipp, M.; Braun, O.; Gehrig, P. M.; Sack, R.; Vasak, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
1444 저널기사 Zn-impurity effects on high-temperature superconductivity/ 미리보기
Uchida, S 2001
1445 저널기사 Zn-impurity effects on high-temperature superconductivity/ 미리보기
Uchida, S 2001
1446 저널기사 Zn incorporation and band gap shrinkage in p-type GaAs 미리보기
Hudait, M. K American Institute of Physics 1980
1447 저널기사 Zn incorporation in CdS nanoparticles in glass (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Persans, P D 2001
1448 저널기사 Zn-induced T~c Reduction in High-T~c Superconductors: Scattering in the Presence of a Pseudogap 미리보기
Tallon, J. L American Physical Society 1980
1449 저널기사 Zn-induced wipeout effect on Cu NQR spectra in La2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4 미리보기
Yamagata, H North-Holland 2003
1450 저널기사 Zn-K EXAFS investigations on ZnS/ZnO containing vitrified ashes from municipal incinerator facilities/ 미리보기
Kley, G Nofz, M; Mosel, G H�bert, Th; Brenneis, R; K�cher, P; Chapman and Hall 2001
1451 저널기사 Zn/Ni substitution effects on vortex states of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy/ 미리보기
Masui, T 2001
1452 저널기사 Zn/Ni substitution effects on vortex states of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy/ 미리보기
Masui, T 2001
1453 저널기사 Zn-Ni 電析에 EDTA 使用의 可能性 및 二重 陽極 回路의 效果에 對한 硏究 : 미리보기
이보성 忠南大學校 1966
1454 저널기사 ZnO-CoO solid solution thin films/ 미리보기
Yoo, Y-Z American Institute of Physics 2001
1455 저널기사 ZnO-Li 단결정의 이동도 및 광전도도 미리보기
김기원 忠南大學校 1970
1456 저널기사 ZnO nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition of b-cyclodextrin coated zinc acetate/ 미리보기
Yang, Y North Holland 2003
1457 저널기사 ZnO nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition of b-cyclodextrin coated zinc acetate/ 미리보기
Yang, Y North Holland 2003
1458 저널기사 ZnO:Zn phosphor thin films prepared by ion beam sputtering/ 미리보기
Li, W Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
1459 저널기사 ZnO 박막의 전기 및 광학적 성질 = 미리보기
왕진석 忠南大學校 工業敎育硏究所 1982
1460 저널기사 Zn-Proline catalyzed direct aldol reaction in aqueous media 미리보기
Darbre, T Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
