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301 단행본 American land planning law:cases and materials 미리보기
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[edited by] Norman Williams, Jr Transaction Publishers 2012
302 단행본 American law and the American legal system in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Lloyd Bonfield Thomson/West 2006
303 단행본 American law and the constitutional order:historical perspectives 미리보기
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edited by Lawrence M. Friedman and Harry N. Scheiber Harvard University Press 1988
304 단행본 American law in a global context:the basics 미리보기
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by George P. Fletcher and Steve Sheppard Oxford University Press 2005 URL
305 단행본 The American law of slavery, 1810-1860:considerations of humanity and interest 미리보기
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Mark V. Tushnet Princeton University Press 1981
306 단행본 American Law Yearbook 2009:a guide to the year's major legal cases and developments 미리보기
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Jeffrey Wilson Gale 2010
307 단행본 American legal injustice:behind the scenes with an expert witness 미리보기
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Emanuel Tanay ; foreword by Robert I. Simon Jason Aronson 2012
308 단행본 American legal realism 미리보기
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edited by William W. Fisher III, Morton J. Horwitz, Thomas Reed Oxford University Press 1993
309 단행본 The American legal system:perspectives, politics, processes, and policies 미리보기
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Albert P. Melone and Allan Karnes Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2008
310 단행본 American politicians confront the court:opposition politics and changing responses to judicial power 미리보기
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Stephen M. Engel Cambridge University Press 2011
311 단행본 American private international law 미리보기
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Symeon C. Symeonides Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen 2008
312 단행본 American public school law 미리보기
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Kern Alexander, M. David Alexander Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2009
313 단행본 American public school law 미리보기
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Kern Alexander, M. David Alexander West/Thomson Learning 2001
314 단행본 American society in the postindustrial age:technocracy, power, and the end of ideology 미리보기
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[by] Benjamin S. Kleinberg Merrill 1973
315 단행본 The American society of international law's first century:1906-2006 미리보기
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Frederic L. Kirgis Martinus Nijhoff 2006
316 단행본 American sovereigns:the people and America's Constitutional tradition before the Civil War 미리보기
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Christian G. Fritz Cambridge University Press 2008 URL
317 단행본 American strategy for the nuclear age 미리보기
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Walter F. Hahn and John C. Neff, editors Doubleday 1960
318 단행본 The American Supreme Court 미리보기
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Robert G. McCloskey ; revised by Sanford Levinson The University of Chicago Press 2010
319 단행본 Americans with Disabilities Act 미리보기
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by Margaret C. Jasper Oceana 2008
320 단행본 The American system of criminal justice 미리보기
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by George F. Cole Duxbury Press 1975
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