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341 단행본 Analyzing law's reach:empirical research on law and society 미리보기
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edited by John Heinz American Bar Association 2008
342 단행본 Analyzing the European Union policy process 미리보기
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Esther Versluis, Mendeltje van Keulen and Paul Stephenson Palgrave Macmillan 2011
343 단행본 Analyzing VC deal terms:leading lawyers on structuring term sheets, developing negotiation strategies, and assessing risks 미리보기
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[Michael J. W. Rennock ... et al.] Aspatore Books 2008
344 단행본 The anarchical society:a study of order in world politics 미리보기
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Hedley Bull Columbia University Press 1977
345 단행본 Anatomy of a trial:public loss, lessons learned from The People vs. O. J. Simpson 미리보기
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Jerrianne Hayslett University of Missouri Press 2008
346 단행본 The anatomy of corporate law : a comparative and functional approach 미리보기
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Reinier Kraakman ... [et al.] Oxford University Press 2017
347 단행본 The anatomy of corporate law:a comparative and functional approach 미리보기
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Reinier Kraakman ... [et al.] Oxford University Press 2004
348 단행본 The anatomy of corporate law:a comparative and functional approach 미리보기
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Reinier Kraakman ... [et al.] Oxford University Press 2009
349 단행본 The anatomy of influence:decision making in international organization 미리보기
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by Robert W. Cox and Harold K. Jacobson Yale University Press 1974
350 단행본 Anatomy of injustice:a murder case gone wrong 미리보기
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Raymond Bonner Alfred A. Knopf 2012
351 단행본 Ancient law 미리보기
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Henry Sumner Maine Thoemmes Press 1996
352 단행본 Ancient law:its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas 미리보기
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Henry Sumner Maine Dorset Press 1986
353 단행본 Anderson's Appellate practice and procedure in Ohio 미리보기
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William H. Wolff, James A. Brogan, Shauna K. McSherry LexisNexis 2007
354 단행본 Anderson's business law and the legal environment 미리보기
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David P. Twomey, Marianne Moody Jennings, Ivan Fox Thomson/South-Western/West 2005
355 단행본 Anderson's business law and the legal environment 미리보기
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David P. Twomey, Marianne Moody Jennings South-Western Cengage Learning 2011
356 단행본 Anderson's Business law & the regulatory environment:principles & cases 미리보기
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Twomey, David P West Legal Studies in Business 2001
357 단행본 Anderson's estate planning forms and clauses 미리보기
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by Jeffrey A. Schoenblum Lexisnexis 2014
358 단행본 Anderson's Ohio elder law practice manual 미리보기
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Gregory S. French, Ruth R. Longenecker, Richard T. Taps LexisNexis 2006
359 단행본 Anderson's Ohio pretrial litigation practice manual 미리보기
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Michael L. Cioffi LexisNexis 2006
360 단행본 Anderson's Ohio residential real estate manual 2008.volume 1 미리보기
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Thomas J. Sherman LexisNexis 2007
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