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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Abgrenzung der vertraglichen und ausservertraglichen Haftungssysteme im deutschen und estnischen Kaufrecht und im Einheitsrecht:eine rechtsvergleichende Studie 미리보기
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Martin Kaerdi Nomos 2006
2 단행본 Abkopplungsklauseln im Gewerbemietrecht:die Vorauszahlung des Gewerbemieters unabha@ngig von Gegenrechten 미리보기
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Hans Reinold Horst Nomos 2006
3 단행본 Abrechnungsbetrug durch Vertragsarzte 미리보기
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Heike Hancok Nomos 2006
4 단행본 Abscho@pfungsregelungen im Wettbewerbsrecht:eine vergleichende Darstellung der Zugriffsmo@glichkeiten auf wirtschaftliche Vorteile, Gewinne und Mehrerlo@se im allgemeinen und sektorspezifischen Wettbewerbsrecht 미리보기
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Monika Pinski Nomos 2006
5 단행본 Abwehrmassnahmen gegen feindliche ubernahmeversuche nach deutschem und englischem Recht 미리보기
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Holger Ulbricht Peter Lang 2006
6 단행본 Activating human rights 미리보기
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Elisabeth Porter £| Baden Offord (eds.) Peter Lang 2006
7 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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Steven J. Cann Sage Publications 2006 URL
8 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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Jack M. Beermann Aspen Publishers 2006
9 단행본 Administrative law and process:cases and materials 미리보기
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Alfred C. Aman, Jr LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2006
10 단행본 Administrative law and process in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Ernest Gellhorn, Ronald M. Levin Thomson/West 2006
11 단행본 Administrative law:cases and materials 미리보기
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Charles H. Koch, Jr., William S. Jordan III, Richard W. Murphy LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2006
12 단행본 Administrative law stories 미리보기
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edited by Peter L. Strauss Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2006
13 단행본 Administrative practice and procedure:selected state and federal statutes 미리보기
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Charles H. Koch, Willam S. Jordan, Richard W. Murphy LexisNexis 2006
14 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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Robert Force, A.N. Yiannopoulos, Martin Davies Beard Books 2006
15 단행본 ADR:판결 이외의 분쟁해결.2006 미리보기
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사법연수원 편 사법연수원 2006
16 단행본 Advanced civil litigation (professional negligence) in practice 미리보기
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Inns of Court School of Law, Institute of Law, City University, London Oxford University Press 2006
17 단행본 Advanced criminal litigation in practice 미리보기
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Inns of Court School of Law Oxford University Press 2006
18 단행본 Advanced criminal procedure in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Mark E. Cammack, Norman M. Garland Thomson/West 2006
19 단행본 Adversarial justice:America's court system on trial 미리보기
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Theodore L. Kubicek Algora Pub. 2006
20 단행본 Adversarial legal writing and oral argument 미리보기
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Michael D. Murray and Christy Hallam DeSanctis Foundation Press 2006
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