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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Abortion under state constitutions:a state-by-state analysis 미리보기
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Paul Benjamin Linton Carolina Academic Press 2008
2 단행본 Abuse of dominant position:new interpretation, new enforcement mechanisms? 미리보기
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edited by Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt, Beatriz Conde Gallego and Stefan Enchelmaier Springer 2008
3 단행본 Abuse of process and judicial stays of criminal proceedings 미리보기
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Andrew L.-T. Choo Oxford University Press 2008
4 단행본 Acing your first year of law school:the ten steps to success you won't learn in class 미리보기
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by Shana Connell Noyes & Henry S. Noyes William S. Hein & Co. 2008
5 단행본 The activist:John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, and the myth of judicial review 미리보기
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Lawrence Goldstone Walker & Co. 2008
6 단행본 Adhoc-Publizita@t bei Unternehmenska@ufen-u@nd ubernahmen 미리보기
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Christian Gunßer Nomos 2008
7 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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John D. DeLeo Delmar Cengage Learning 2008
8 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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Paul Craig Sweet & Maxwell 2008
9 단행본 Administrative law in a changing state:essays in honour of Mark Aronson 미리보기
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edited by Linda Pearson, Carol Harlow and Michael Taggart Hart 2008
10 단행본 Administrative procedures for the legal professional 미리보기
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by Judy A. Long Thomson Delmar Learning 2008 URL
11 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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Robert Force, A.N. Yiannopoulos, Martin Davies Beard Books 2008
12 단행본 ADR仲裁法 미리보기
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山本和彦,山田文 著 日本評論社 2008
13 단행본 Advanced criminal litigation in practice 미리보기
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City Law School Oxford University Press 2008
14 단행본 Affirmative action 미리보기
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Justin Karr, book editor Greenhaven Press 2008
15 단행본 The African Union 미리보기
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Diedre L. Badejo Chelsea House 2008
16 단행본 Against intellectual monopoly 미리보기
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Michele Boldrin, David K. Levine Cambridge University Press 2008 URL
17 단행본 Agency, Partnership and the LLC:The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises; Cases, Materials, Problems 미리보기
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by J. Dennis Hynes, Mark J. Loewenstem LexisNexis 2008
18 단행본 The age of impeachment:American constitutional culture since 1960 미리보기
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David E. Kyvig University Press of Kansas 2008
19 단행본 Aggression and crimes against peace 미리보기
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Larry May Cambridge University Press 2008 URL
20 단행본 Agreeing and implementing the Doha round of the WTO 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Harald Hohmann Cambridge University Press 2008
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