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1 저널기사 ACR 2005 North American Film Festival Overview 미리보기
Belk, R.; Kozinets, R. Association for Consumer Research 2006
2 저널기사 ACR 2005 North American Film Festival Overview 미리보기
Belk, R.; Kozinets, R. Association for Consumer Research 2006
3 저널기사 Adding Exchange to Charity: a Reference Price Explanation 미리보기
Briers, B.; Pandelaere, M.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
4 저널기사 Adding Exchange to Charity: a Reference Price Explanation 미리보기
Briers, B.; Pandelaere, M.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
5 저널기사 Advertising Claims About Search and Experiential Attributes and Their Effect on Post-Trial Evaluations of Functional versus Hedonic Products 미리보기
Micu, C. Association for Consumer Research 2006
6 저널기사 Advertising Claims About Search and Experiential Attributes and Their Effect on Post-Trial Evaluations of Functional versus Hedonic Products 미리보기
Micu, C. Association for Consumer Research 2006
7 저널기사 Affect and Its Effects on Compensatory Consumption 미리보기
Garg, N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
8 저널기사 Affect and Its Effects on Compensatory Consumption 미리보기
Garg, N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
9 저널기사 Affect as Information: The Moderating Roles of Self-Regulatory System and Diagnosticity of Affective Valence 미리보기
Kramer, T.; Yoon, S.-O. Association for Consumer Research 2006
10 저널기사 Affect as Information: The Moderating Roles of Self-Regulatory System and Diagnosticity of Affective Valence 미리보기
Kramer, T.; Yoon, S.-O. Association for Consumer Research 2006
11 저널기사 Affective Underpinnings of Decision Heuristics 미리보기
Saini, R. Association for Consumer Research 2006
12 저널기사 Affective Underpinnings of Decision Heuristics 미리보기
Saini, R. Association for Consumer Research 2006
13 저널기사 Alleviating Mommy's Guilt: Emotional Expression and Guilt Appeals in Advertising 미리보기
Lee-Wingate, S. N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
14 저널기사 Alleviating Mommy's Guilt: Emotional Expression and Guilt Appeals in Advertising 미리보기
Lee-Wingate, S. N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
15 저널기사 Am I What I Wear? An Exploratory Study of Symbolic Meanings Associated with Secondhand Clothing 미리보기
Roux, D.; Korchia, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
16 저널기사 Am I What I Wear? An Exploratory Study of Symbolic Meanings Associated with Secondhand Clothing 미리보기
Roux, D.; Korchia, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
17 저널기사 An Examination of a Strategic Household Purchase: Consumer Home Buying Behavior 미리보기
Koklic, M. K.; Vida, I. Association for Consumer Research 2006
18 저널기사 An Examination of a Strategic Household Purchase: Consumer Home Buying Behavior 미리보기
Koklic, M. K.; Vida, I. Association for Consumer Research 2006
19 저널기사 An Examination of the Concept of Postmodern Home and the Role of Consumption in Home-Making Practices 미리보기
Bardhi, F.; Arnould, E. Association for Consumer Research 2006
20 저널기사 An Examination of the Concept of Postmodern Home and the Role of Consumption in Home-Making Practices 미리보기
Bardhi, F.; Arnould, E. Association for Consumer Research 2006
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