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2009 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1621 저널기사 Author self-citation pattern in science 미리보기
Davarpanah, M. R.; Amel, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1622 저널기사 Author Wasn't Convincing On Why Regulators Shouldn't Reduce Investors' Burden 미리보기
O'Donnell, E. H.; Glassman, L. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
1623 저널기사 Autism and extraordinary ability Genius locus 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
1624 저널기사 Autobiography and Decolonialization: Modernity, Masculinity and the Nation-State by Philip Holden 미리보기
EULE, T. G. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2009
1625 저널기사 Autochthony and activism among contemporary Irish Nationalists in Northern Ireland , or: if `civic' nationalists are `ethno'-cultural revivalists,what remains of the civic/ethnic divide? 미리보기
ZENKER, O. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2009
1626 저널기사 Auto-component industry in Asia: structure, trade patterns and potential for further upgrading 미리보기
Nag, B. Inderscience 2009
1627 저널기사 Automated classification of web pages in hierarchical browsing 미리보기
Golub, K.; Lykke, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1628 저널기사 Automated consent through privacy agents: Legal requirements and technical architecture 미리보기
Le Metayer, D.; Monteleone, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
1629 저널기사 Automated fixture design for a rapid machining process 미리보기
Boonsuk, W.; Frank, M. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1630 저널기사 Automated measurement of earthwork volume in construction projects 미리보기
Shehab, T. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2009
1631 저널기사 Automatic and Effortful Processes in Socially Desirable Responding: A Cross-Cultural View 미리보기
Riemer, H. Association for Consumer Research 2009
1632 저널기사 Automatic and Effortful Processes in Socially Desirable Responding: A Cross-Cultural View 미리보기
Riemer, H. Association for Consumer Research 2009
1633 저널기사 Automatic translation in multilingual business meetings 미리보기
Aiken, M.; Ghosh, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1634 저널기사 Automating formative and summative feedback for individualised assignments 미리보기
Hamilton, I. R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
1635 저널기사 Automating morphological chart exploration: a multi-objective genetic algorithm to address compatibility and uncertainty 미리보기
Tiwari, S.; Teegavarapu, S.; Summers, J.D.; Fadel, G.M. INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LIMITED 2009
1636 저널기사 Automation of post-exploitation 미리보기
Irani, M. T.; Weippl, E. R. Troubador Publishing Limited 2009
1637 저널기사 Autonomous broadcast pruning in wireless ad hoc networks using coverage estimation 미리보기
Bae, K.; Yoon, H. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2009
1638 저널기사 Autonomy or organisation? Reforms in the Ghanaian internal revenue service 미리보기
Joshi, A.; Ayee, J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
1639 저널기사 Autonomy, responsibility and accountability in the Italian school system 미리보기
Bracci, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
1640 저널기사 Availability analysis of transmission system using Markov model 미리보기
Michael, S.; Mariappan, V.; Amonkar, U.J.; Telang, A.D. INDERSCIENCE 2009
맨앞 이전 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 
