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1 저널기사 Academic and professional communities of disclosure 미리보기
Adler, Nancy J Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1992
2 저널기사 Adam Smith’s theory of knowledge and international business theory and practice 미리보기
Buckley, P. J. Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2014
3 저널기사 Agglomeration, catch-up and the liability of foreignness in emerging economies 미리보기
Lamin, A.; Livanis, G. Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2013
4 저널기사 An analysis of twenty-five years of research in the Journal of International Business Studies 미리보기
Inkpen, Andrew C Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
5 저널기사 An economic model of international joint venture strategy 미리보기
Buckley, Peter J Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1996
6 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the integration-responsiveness framework in global industries 미리보기
Roth, Kendall Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
7 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the integration-responsiveness framework in global industries 미리보기
Roth, Kendall Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
8 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the integration-responsiveness framework: U.S. construction equipment 미리보기
Johnson Jr., Julius H Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1995
9 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the unionization of foreign manufacturing firms in the U.S 미리보기
Sanyal, Rajib N Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
10 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the unionization of foreign manufacturing firms in the U.S 미리보기
Sanyal, Rajib N Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
11 저널기사 An empirical comparison of Soviet and American business 미리보기
Graham, John L Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1992
12 저널기사 An empirical examination of multinational corporate capital structure 미리보기
Burgman, Todd A Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1996
13 저널기사 An empirical test of a judgmental international classification of financial reporting practices 미리보기
Doupnik, Timothy S Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1993
14 저널기사 An examination of country and culture-based differences in compensation practices 미리보기
Townsend, Anthony M Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
15 저널기사 An examination of country and culture-based differences in compensation practices 미리보기
Townsend, Anthony M Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1990
16 저널기사 An institution-based view of executive compensation: A multilevel meta-analytic test 미리보기
van Essen, M.; Heugens, P. P.; Otten, J.; van Oosterhout, J. H. Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2012
17 저널기사 An investigation of gender differences in leadership across four countries 미리보기
Gibson, Cristina B Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1995
18 저널기사 An issue-area approach to the analysis of MNE-government relations 미리보기
Brewer, Thomas L Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1992
19 저널기사 An issue-area approach to the analysis of MNE-government relations 미리보기
Brewer, Thomas L Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1992
20 저널기사 Antecedents and performance implications of channel 미리보기
Aulakh, Preet S Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1997
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