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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Are firm-specific advantages location-specific too? 미리보기
Erramilli, M. Krishna Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1997
22 저널기사 Are intra-industry investment patterns consistent with cost 미리보기
Dewenter, Kathryn L Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1995
23 저널기사 Asset specificity and foreign market entry mode choice of small and medium-sized enterprises: The moderating influence of knowledge safeguards and institutional safeguards 미리보기
Maekelburger, B.; Schwens, C.; Kabst, R. Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2012
24 저널기사 Author Index 미리보기
unknown Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2013
25 저널기사 Author Index 미리보기
unknown Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2012
26 저널기사 Autonomy and procedural justice: A framework for evaluating 미리보기
Taggart, James H Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1997
27 저널기사 Autonomy delegation to foreign subsidiaries: An enabling mechanism for emerging-market multinationals 미리보기
Wang, S. L.; Luo, Y.; Lu, X.; Sun, J.; Maksimov, V. Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2014
28 저널기사 The aggregate impact of firms' FDI strategies on the trade balances of host countries 미리보기
Brouthers, Lance Eliot Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1996
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