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161 저널기사 Audit Quality of Chinese ADR Engagements 미리보기
Ghosh, Aloke; Peltier, Elisabeth; Xing, Cunyu American Accounting Association 2017
162 저널기사 Audit Reviewers' Judgments in Multiple Client Audit Environments 미리보기
Bhattacharjee, Sudip; Maletta, Mario J.; Moreno, Kimberly K. American Accounting Association 2017
163 저널기사 The Ability of Professional standards to Mitigate Aggressive Reporting 미리보기
ANDREW D. CUCCIA;KARL HACKENBRACK;MARK W.NELSON American Accounting Association 2000
164 저널기사 The Ability of Professional Standards to Mitigate Aggressive Reporting 미리보기
165 저널기사 The ability of professional standards to mitigate aggressive reporting 미리보기
Cuccia, Andrew D American Accounting Association 1995
166 저널기사 The Accounting Based Valuation of Corporate R&D 미리보기
167 저널기사 The Accounting Faculty Shortage: Causes and Contemporary Solutions 미리보기
Boyle, Douglas M.; Carpenter, Brian W.; Hermanson, Dana R. American Accounting Association 2015
168 저널기사 The Alumni Effect and Professional Skepticism: An Experimental Investigation 미리보기
Favere-Marchesi, Michael; Emby, Craig American Accounting Association 2018
169 저널기사 The Association between Auditor Litigation and Abnormal Accruals/ 미리보기
Heninger, William G American Accounting Association 2001
170 저널기사 The Association between Compensated Absences Liabilities and Interest Cost on Public School Districts' General Obligation Bonds 미리보기
Ragland, Linda G. American Accounting Association 2017
171 저널기사 The association between consensus of beliefs and trading activity surrounding earnings 미리보기
Ziebart, David A American Accounting Association 1990
172 저널기사 The Association between Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities and Future Tax Payments 미리보기
Laux, R.C. American Accounting Association. 2013
173 저널기사 The Association between Executive Pay Structure and the Transparency of Restatement Disclosures 미리보기
Hogan, Brian; Jonas, Gregory A. American Accounting Association 2016
174 저널기사 The Association between SFAS No. 157 Fair Value Hierarchy Information and Conditional Accounting Conservatism 미리보기
Black, Jonathan; Chen, Jeff Zeyun; Cussatt, Marc American Accounting Association. 2018
175 저널기사 The Association of Program Ratios and Consolidation Choices: Evidence from Nonprofit Hospitals 미리보기
Quosigk, Benedikt M.; Forgione, Dana A. American Accounting Association 2018
176 저널기사 The Audit Committee: Management Watchdog or Personal Friend of the CEO? 미리보기
Bruynseels, L.; Cardinaels, E. American Accounting Association. 2014
177 저널기사 The Auditor-Audit Firm Relationship and Its Effect on Burnout and Turnover Intention 미리보기
Herda, D.N.; Lavelle, J.J. American Accounting Association 2012
178 저널기사 The auditor's going-concern decision: Interaction of task variables and the sequential processing 미리보기
Asare, Stephen K American Accounting Association 1992
179 저널기사 The Audit Risk Model, Business Risk and Audit-Planning Decisions 미리보기
Houston, Richard W American Accounting Association 1999
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