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81 저널기사 An Arbitrage-free Model of the Yield Gap 미리보기
Spencer, P. D. Blackwell 1998
82 저널기사 Andersen (Esben Sloth). Evolutionary Economics: Post-Schumpeterian Contributions 미리보기
Hodgson, G. M. BLACKWELL 1995
83 저널기사 ANDREWS (MARCELLUS). The Political Economy of Hope and Fear: Capitalism and the Black Condition in America 미리보기
Cameron, S. BLACKWELL 2000
84 저널기사 An Econometric Analysis of I(2) Variables 미리보기
Haldrup, N. BLACKWELL 1998
85 저널기사 An Economic Analysis of Public Transfers 미리보기
Ihori, T Blackwell 1999
86 저널기사 An economic evaluation of bushfire prevention and suppression 미리보기
Bennetton, J. Blackwell 1998
87 저널기사 An Economist's Perspective on Probability Matching 미리보기
Vulkan, N. BLACKWELL 2000
88 저널기사 An Efficiency Approach to the Evaluation of Policy Changes 미리보기
89 저널기사 An Elementary Proof of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 미리보기
Denicolo, V Blackwell 1996
90 저널기사 An Empirical Analysis of Exchange Ratio Determination Models for Merger: A Note 미리보기
Bae, S. C. BLACKWELL 2000
91 저널기사 An empirical analysis of inward foreign direct investment flows in the EU with emphasis on the 미리보기
Aristotelous, Kyriacos Blackwell 1996
92 저널기사 An empirical analysis of inward foreign direct investment flows in the EU with emphasis on the 미리보기
Aristotelous, Kyriacos Blackwell 1996
93 저널기사 An Empirical Analysis of the Bias and Rationality of Profit Forecasts Published in New Issue Prospectuses 미리보기
Cheng, T. Y. BLACKWELL 2000
94 저널기사 An Empirical Analysis of the Causal Relationship Between Short Interest and Stock Prices 미리보기
Aksu, C. BLACKWELL 1995
95 저널기사 An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Profit Sharing Schemes of Executives on the Content of Corporate Submissions on Proposed Accounting Standards 미리보기
MacArthur, J. B. BLACKWELL 1993
96 저널기사 An Empirical Investigation of Beta Stability: Portfolios vs. Individual Securities 미리보기
Gregory-Allen, R. BLACKWELL 1994
97 저널기사 An Empirical Investigation of Stock Market Valuation of Corporate Projected Pension Liabilities 미리보기
Gopalakrishnan, V. BLACKWELL 1993
98 저널기사 An Empirical Model of Capital Structure: Some New Evidence 미리보기
Homaifar, G. BLACKWELL 1994
99 저널기사 An Empirical Study of Graphical Format Choices in Charity Annual Reports 미리보기
Beattie, V. BLACKWELL 1994
100 저널기사 An Empirical Study of the Incremental Predictive Ability of Beaver's Naive Operating Flow Measure Using Four-State Ordinal Models of Financial Distress 미리보기
Ward, T. J. BLACKWELL 1994
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