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1 저널기사 Accuracy of Numerical Solutions Using the Euler Equation Residuals/ 미리보기
Santos, Manuel S Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
2 저널기사 Accuracy of Numerical Solutions Using the Euler Equation Residuals 미리보기
Santos, M. S. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
3 저널기사 Achieving semiparametric efficiency bounds in left 미리보기
Goto, Fumihiro Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1996
4 저널기사 Achieving Semiparametric Efficiency Bounds in Left-Censored Duration Models 미리보기
Goto, F. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
5 저널기사 Adaptive dynamics in coordination games 미리보기
Crawford, Vincent P Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1995
6 저널기사 Adaptive learning with nonlinear dynamics driven by dependent processes 미리보기
Kuan, Chung-Ming Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1994
7 저널기사 Admissibility of the likelihood ratio test when the parameter 미리보기
Andrews, Donald W. K Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1996
8 저널기사 Admissibility of the Likelihood Ratio Test when the Parameter Space is Restricted under the Alternative 미리보기
Andrews, D. W. K. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
9 저널기사 Aggregation and market demand: An exterior differential calculus viewpoint 미리보기
Chiappori, P.A Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1999
10 저널기사 Aggregation and Optimization with State-Dependent Pricing 미리보기
Leahy, J. Caplin, A. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
11 저널기사 Algebraic geometry of perfect and sequential equilibrium 미리보기
Blume, Lawrence E Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1994
12 저널기사 Alternative approximations to the distributions of instrumental variable estimators 미리보기
Bekker, Paul A Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1994
13 저널기사 Analysis of a numerical dynamic programming algorithm applied to economic models 미리보기
Santos, Manuel S Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1998
14 저널기사 An Asymptotic Theory of Bayesian Inference for Time Series 미리보기
Phillips, P. C. B. Ploberger, W. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
15 저널기사 An asymptotic theory of Bayesian inference for time series 미리보기
Phillips, Peter C.B Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1996
16 저널기사 An empirical investigation of asset pricing with temporally dependent preference specifications 미리보기
Heaton, John Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1995
17 저널기사 An Evaluation of Econometric Models of Adaptive Learning/ 미리보기
Salmon, Timothy C Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2001
18 저널기사 An evolutionary approach to pre-play communication 미리보기
Yong-Gwan Kim Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1995
19 저널기사 An Information-Theoretic Alternative to Generalized Method of Moments Estimation 미리보기
Kitamura, Y. Stutzer, M. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
20 저널기사 ANNOUNCEMENTS /// 미리보기
Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
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