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1 저널기사 Absorptive capacity and a failed cross-border M&A 미리보기
Deng, P. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2010
2 저널기사 Access flexibility, trust and performance in achieving competitiveness: an empirical study of Chinese suppliers and distributors 미리보기
Hua, S.; Chatterjee, S.R.; Kang-kang, Y. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2009
3 저널기사 Accruals and the prediction of future cash flows: Empirical evidence from an emerging market 미리보기
Ebaid, I. E. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
4 저널기사 Achieving gender equity in science class: Shift from competition to cooperative learning 미리보기
Esiobu, G. O. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
5 저널기사 Achieving mass customization through trust-driven information sharing: a supplier's perspective 미리보기
Liao, K.; Ma, Z.; Lee, J. J.; Ke, K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
6 저널기사 Achieving total quality management using knowledge management practices: A field study at the Jordanian insurance sector 미리보기
Aboyassin, N. A.; Alnsour, M.; Alkloub, M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
7 저널기사 Acquiring CSR practices: from deception to authenticity 미리보기
Debeljak, J.; Krkac, K.; Banks, I. B. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
8 저널기사 Action readiness and mindset for IT offshoring 미리보기
Aydin, M. N.; Groot, J. d.; Hillegersberg, J. v. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
9 저널기사 Adaptation of allocation of resources and attention in response to external shocks: The case of Southwest Airlines 미리보기
Blettner, D. P. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
10 저널기사 Adaptive pervasive advertisement: scenarios and strategies 미리보기
Rosi, A.; Codeluppi, A.; Zambonelli, F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
11 저널기사 Addressing and measuring small business social responsibility in the African context: a stakeholder framework 미리보기
Dzansi, D. Y.; Pretorius, M. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2009
12 저널기사 Addressing key sustainable supply chain management issues using rough set methodology 미리보기
Bai, C.; Sarkis, J.; Wei, X. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2010
13 저널기사 Addressing the needs of students with learning disabilities during their interaction with the web 미리보기
Curcic, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
14 저널기사 "Adjustment" of the independent expatriate - a case study of Doug 미리보기
15 저널기사 Adopting innovative procurement techniques: Obstacles and drivers for adopting public private partnerships in New Zealand 미리보기
Liu, T.; Wilkinson, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
16 저널기사 Adopting shared services in a public-sector organization 미리보기
Ulbrich, F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
17 저널기사 Advances in video networking: standards and applications 미리보기
Grecos, C.; Wang, Q. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
18 저널기사 Advancing a pragmatist epistemology in organisational research 미리보기
19 저널기사 Aesthetics and spirituality in the Australian services sector 미리보기
Issa, T.; Pick, D. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2010
20 저널기사 Affinity and rivalry: energy relations of the EU 미리보기
Marin-Quemada, J. M.; Munoz-Delgado, B. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
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