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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 An Overview of the Logic and Rationale of Hierarchical Linear Models 미리보기
Hofmann, D. A. JAI PRESS INC 1997
122 저널기사 Antecedents and Effects of Outside Director's Awareness of CEO Decision Style 미리보기
Judge, W. Q. JAI PRESS INC 1995
123 저널기사 Antecedents and Outcomes of Corporate Refocusing 미리보기
Johnson, R. A. JAI PRESS INC 1996
124 저널기사 Antitakeover provisions and shareholder value implications: a review and a contingency framework 미리보기
Sundaramurthy, C. JAI PRESS INC 2000
125 저널기사 aol.com: How Steve Case Beat Bill Gates, Nailed the Netheads, and Made Millions in the War for the Web - by Kara Swisher. New York: Random House, 1998. 331 pp 미리보기
Gulbro, R.D. JAI PRESS INC 1999
126 저널기사 APEC 1996: An ASEAN Perspective 미리보기
Lee Tsao Yuan JAI PRESS, INC. 1996
127 저널기사 Apologies and Public Relations Crises at Chrysler, Toshiba, and Volvo 미리보기
Hearit, K. M. JAI PRESS INC 1994
128 저널기사 Applicant Impression Management: Dispositional Influences and Consequences for Recruiter Perceptions of Fit and Similarity 미리보기
Kristof-Brown, A.; Barrick, M. R.; Franke, M. JAI PRESS INC 2002
129 저널기사 Applicant Rejection Letters: Are Businesses Sending the Wrong Message? 미리보기
Brice, T. S. JAI PRESS INC 1995
130 저널기사 Applicants` perceptions of selection procedures and decisions: a critical review and agenda for the future 미리보기
Ryan, A. M. JAI PRESS INC 2000
Sheldon, K. M.; Turban, D. B.; Brown, K. G.; Barrick, M. R.; Judge, T. A. JAI PRESS INC. 2003
132 저널기사 Arbitrage, Carrying Costs, and Inflation: A Reexamination of Market Efficiency in Treasury Bill Futures 미리보기
Wuh Lin, J. JAI PRESS, INC. 1996
133 저널기사 Archie Epps, ed., Malcolm X Speeches at Harvard 미리보기
Paluszek, J. JAI PRESS INC 1993
134 저널기사 Are Budget Deficits Too Large?: The Evidence from Taiwan 미리보기
Wu, J.-L. JAI PRESS, INC. 1998
135 저널기사 Are China's recent transport statistics plausible? 미리보기
Huenemann, R. W. JAI PRESS INC. 2001
136 저널기사 Are Managers Losing Control? 미리보기
Organ, D. W. JAI PRESS INC 1998
137 저널기사 Are Stock and Bond Prices Collinear in the Long Run? 미리보기
Chan, K. C. JAI PRESS, INC. 1997
138 저널기사 Are Tracking Stocks on Track? 미리보기
Tompkins, D. L. JAI PRESS INC 2000
139 저널기사 Are your secrets safe? Knowledge protection in strategic alliances 미리보기
Norman, P. M. JAI PRESS INC 2001
140 저널기사 Arthur Yeung 미리보기
Moulton, H.W. JAI PRESS INC 1999
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