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61 저널기사 Archaea and the Origin(s) of DNA Replication Proteins 미리보기
Edgell, D. R MIT Press 1997
62 저널기사 Archaeal Genomics: An Overview 미리보기
Olsen, G. J MIT Press 1997
63 저널기사 Archaeal Histories, Nucleosomes, and Transcription Initiation 미리보기
Reeve, J. N MIT Press 1997
64 저널기사 Architectural Transcription Factors: Proteins That Remodel DNA 미리보기
Werner, M. H MIT Press 1997
65 저널기사 Armadillo Coactivates Transcription Driven by the Product of the Drosophila Segment Polarity Gene dTCF 미리보기
Van de Wetering, M MIT Press 1997
66 저널기사 Arrangement of tRNAs in Pre- and Posttranslocational Ribosomes Revealed by Electron Cryomicroscopy 미리보기
Stark, H MIT Press 1997
67 저널기사 ASEAN and Environmental Governance: Strategies of Regionalism in Southeast Asia 미리보기
Elliott, L. MIT Press 2012
68 저널기사 Assessing Carbon Policy Experiments 미리보기
Engels, A. MIT Press 2013
69 저널기사 Assessing the Synergy Thesis in Iraq 미리보기
Hagan, J.; Kaiser, J.; Hanson, A.; Lindsay, J.R.; Long, A.G.; Biddle, S.; Friedman, J.A.; Shapiro, J.N. MIT Press 2013
70 저널기사 Assessing the Synergy Thesis in Iraq 미리보기
Hagan, J.; Kaiser, J.; Hanson, A.; Lindsay, J.R.; Long, A.G.; Biddle, S.; Friedman, J.A.; Shapiro, J.N. MIT Press 2013
71 저널기사 Association of BRCA1 with Rad51 in Mitotic and Meiotic Cells 미리보기
Scully, R MIT Press 1997
72 저널기사 Association of the Origin Recognition Complex with Heterochromatin and HP1 in Higher Eukaryotes 미리보기
Pak, D. T. S MIT Press 1997
73 저널기사 Association of Transcriptionally Silent Genes with Ikaros Complexes at Centromeric Heterochromatin 미리보기
Brown, K. E MIT Press 1997
74 저널기사 Assuring Assured Retaliation: China's Nuclear Posture and U.S.-China Strategic Stability 미리보기
Cunningham, Fiona S.; Fravel, M. Taylor MIT Press 2015
75 저널기사 Asymmetric Accumulation of Ash1p in Postanaphase Nuclei Depends on a Myosin and Restricts Yeast Mating-Type Switching to Mother Cells 미리보기
Bobola, N MIT Press 1996
76 저널기사 Asymmetrically Distributed PAR-3 Protein Contributes to Cell Polarity and Spindle Alignment in Early C. elegans Embryos 미리보기
Etemad-Moghadam, B MIT Press 1995
77 저널기사 Asymmetric Information, Bargaining, and International Mergers 미리보기
Das, S. P. MIT PRESS 2001
78 저널기사 Atm-Deficient Mice: A Paradigm of Ataxia Telangiectasia 미리보기
Barlow, C MIT Press 1997
79 저널기사 Atomic Model of a Pyrimidine Dimer Excision Repair Enzyme Complexed witha DNA Substrate: Structural Basis for Damaged DNA Recognition 미리보기
Vassylyev, D. G MIT Press 1995
80 저널기사 ATP Binding to the �5^4-Dependent Activator XylR Triggers a Protein Multimerization Cycle Catalyzed by UAS DNA 미리보기
Perez-Martin, J MIT Press 1997
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