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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
221 저널기사 An expedient synthesis of d-callipeltose/ 미리보기
Pihko, Ainoliisa J Pergamon 2001
222 저널기사 An experimental investigation into the orthogonal cutting of unidirectional fibre reinforced plastics/ 미리보기
Wang, X. M Pergamon 2003
223 저널기사 An experimental technique for the measurement of temperature fields for the orthogonal cutting in high speed machining/ 미리보기
Sutter, G Pergamon 2003
224 저널기사 An Expert System for National Tourist Offices 미리보기
Rita, P. PERGAMON 1994
225 저널기사 Angle and frequency domain force models for a roughing end mill with a sinusoidal edge profile/ 미리보기
Junz Wang, J. J Pergamon 2003
226 저널기사 An Historical Geography of Recreation and Tourism in the Western World 미리보기
Wall, G. PERGAMON 1997
227 저널기사 An improved genetic algorithm for planar and spatial straightness error evaluation/ 미리보기
Wen, X Pergamon 2003
228 저널기사 An improved mass transfer based model for analyzing VOC emissions from building materials/ 미리보기
Xu, Y Pergamon 2003
229 저널기사 An improved method for scheduling the tool paths for three-axis surface machining/ 미리보기
Lo, Chih-Ching Pergamon 2001
230 저널기사 An improved synthesis of N-aryl-hydantoin LFA-1 antagonists via the enantiospecific alkylation of an isobutyraldehyde-derived imidazolidinone template/ 미리보기
Frutos, Rogelio P Pergamon 2001
231 저널기사 An improved synthesis of (S)-(+)- and (R)-(-)-4-ethenyl(2.2)paracyclophane/ 미리보기
Minuti, Lucio Pergamon 2000
232 저널기사 An incentive to shirk, privately held information, and managers' project evaluation decisions 미리보기
Harrell, A. PERGAMON 1994
233 저널기사 An inexpensive method to estimate CO and NOx emissions from mobile sources/ 미리보기
Olcese, Luis E Pergamon 2001
234 저널기사 An Infomax-based learning rule that generates cells similar to visual cortical neurons/ 미리보기
Okajima, K Pergamon 2001
235 저널기사 An institutional analysis of accounting growth and regulation in the United States 미리보기
Hunt, H. G. PERGAMON 1993
236 저널기사 An integrated thermo-mechanical-dynamic model to characterize motorized machine tool spindles during very high speed rotation/ 미리보기
Lin, C. W Pergamon 2003
237 저널기사 An integrative framework for urban tourism research 미리보기
Pearce, D. G. PERGAMON 2001
238 저널기사 An intensive two-week study of an urban CO2 dome in Phoenix, Arizona, USA/ 미리보기
Idso, Craig D Pergamon 2001
239 저널기사 An internet based surface texture information system/ 미리보기
Bui, Son H Pergamon 2001
240 저널기사 An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry 미리보기
Shooter, D Pergamon 1997
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